Page 130 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                                   TABLE No. 20.
                        Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods Imported into Bahrain during
                                                 the Yean 1662 and 1983.

                                                          Fob tab Tub
                                                                           Increase in   Dccrcawj in
                                    Clam.                                    1383.    1*83.
                                                        1882.      1883.
                                                         Rm.       Rij.       'Re.     B«.
                       Animals, Living                    37,825    36,700    see       1,125
                       Appeal, Wearing                    1,400      1,750     350
                       Arms and Ammunition                13,075    13,300     223
                       Beads and Amber    x                 350       500       150
                       Books and Printed Matter           1,1 no     1,100
                       Building Materials .                 270       200                 70
                       Candles   .                        2,700      3,200      500
                       Canes and Rattans •                  200        150    • ••        50
                       Canvas .                                     • ••      • ••
                       Cattle ....                       42.700     45,500    2,800    • ••
                       Clocks and Watches.                 1,050     2,350      400
                       Coal .    •
                       (Jocoanuts                         *3,650     4,200      550
                       Coffee ....                      1.17.000   1.21.500   4,500
                       Coir and Coir-rope .               13.700    15,500    1,800    • • •
                       Confectionery Preserves .          5,900      6.500      600
                       Cotton Goods                     2,80,500   2,93,700  13,200
                           Thread and Twist               26,000    24,100    • ••      1,900
                       Cotton, Raw                      1,10,200   1.12.500   2,300    • ••
                       Dates ....                       1.50.000   1.42.500             7,500
                       Date Juice                         5,100      7.500    2^400
                       Drugs and Medicines                23,135    21,700    1,565
                       Dyeing and Coloring Materials       8,670     8,620                50
                       Earthen-ware                       2,500      2,350               150
                       Fruits and Vegetables              28,550    28,050    • ••       500
                       Fuel ....                          24,950    24,300               650
                       Furniture   :                     • ••                          • ••
                       Glass and Glass-ware               2,450      2,350               100
                       Gold Embroidered Cloth .            1,500     2,000      500    • ••
                       Gold Lace                          1,700      1,600               100
                       Gold Thread, &c.                   8,850      8,300               550
                       Grain and Pulse                  0,41,630   6,25,600            16,030
                       Gum .       .   ...                  230        270      40     • ••
                       Hardware and Cutlery               2,150      2.400      250    ...
                       Hides and Skins                    19.000    17,000              2,000
                       Indigo ....                        14.000    12,750              1,250
                       Jute, Raw                          4,000      4.250      250    • 00
                         „ Manufactures of                  800       600                200
                       Leather, Manufactures of .         1,600      1,800      200
                       Lemons, dry  .                     10,000     9.250    • ••       750
                       Lemon Juice  .                       450        550      100
                       Liquors, Wines, and Spirits          700       600                100
                       Lucifers                           1,550      1,800      250    • •
                       Mats ....                          4,700      6,300      600
                       Metals .    .  '' .                23,500    23,300               200
                       Millstones                           200       250        50
                       Oil   *                            80,800    33,350    2,550
                       Opium ....                           4f,0      400                 50
                       Paints and Colors                    100        120       20
                       Pearls .   .   ,                 3,25,000   4.15,000  00,000
                       Perfumery                          13,150    12,850               300
                       Porcelain and China-ware .         2,800      3,800    T,000
                       Provisions and Oilman's Stores     86,350    92,200    6,860
                       Salt ....                          1,000      1,250      260
                       Saltpetre                          1,500      1,650      160    • •
                       Seeds ....                         4,700      4,920      220
                       Shark Pins                         6,800      6,100'     300    • •

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