Page 151 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 151

                       BK81DENCT AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR 13«m.     145                <i
                                                                                              I '
         Con trailed Statemrn- showing the Value and Description of Good* Imported into the Porte on the
                Arab Conit in the Persian Gulf during the Years 1382 and 1883—concluded.      I
                                           Fob tub Yiub
                                                             Increase in  Decrease in
                     Class.                                   1883.     1883.                  :
                                          1882.     1883.

                                           Rs.        Rg.      Rs.      Rg.                     !
         Silk, Raw .   -                    2,700     3,000      300    • ••
           v Manufacture* or               10,800    10,700    • ••       100                 i
         Spice* .                          42,800    40,400    • l*      2,40«»
         Stationery                        3,000      2,100              1,500
         Sugar-candy .                     3,u00      1,500    • ••      1,51.0
         Sugar, Crushed                              ”l,400
           „ Loaf .                         2,000                         600
           »  Soft .                       44,000    31,500             12,500                f
         Tallow .                          *2,600     8,100     6,500
         Tea                                 700      1,150      450
         Tobacco .                         12,100     15,870   3,770                           I
           n Manufactures of                            450      450
         Timber and Wood .                 22,000     45,000   23,000
         Wax, Bees'                                            • • •                             l|
                                          "*2,700    *1,850
         Wool                                                             850                    ii
         Woollen Goods                     17,350     16,200             1,150                 'ii '
         Other kinds .                               • ••      • ••                            111
                            Total        11,99,045  13,18,515  2,41,340  1,21,840
                            Specie       16,52,000  4,9S,500          11,53,500
                  GRAND TOTAL Rs.        28,51.045  18,17,015  2,41,340  12,75,340

                                     TABLE No. 26.                                           1 :
         Contrasted Statement showing the Valve amd Description of Goods Exported from the Ports ox
                  the Arab Goad in the Persian Gulf during the Years 1882 and 1883.             v
                                            Fob thb Tea*
                                                             Iacreage in   Decrease in       I 1
                                          1882.     1883.      1883.    1883.
                                           Rs.        Rs.      Rs.       Rs.                 i'  ;
         Animals, Living .                  6,000     13,710    8,710                            i1
         Apparel, Wearing .                 1/100      1,800     500
         Arms and Ammunition              • ••         6,950    5,950                         ■■
         Beads and Amber .                           • ••                • ••
         Boobs and Printed Matter .                                                             II
         Building Materials .
         Candles.   .   .   «              •••       •••                                        i'
         Canee and R&tcans  .                        • M
         Canvas .                          • ••      • ••                • • •                  ii
         Cattle                            •• •         800      800
         Clocks and Watches.               • • t        100      100
         n 1       *   ■   •   •           •te
         Cocoanuts   ,   ,   ,              2,150      4,040    1,890    • ••
         co?«.     .    .   :              • ••       • ••     it*       **•
         Coir and Coir-ropo ,   ,                     • ••      *#*
         Confectionery Preserves  ,        Ml        *••
         Cotton Goods ,     ,              • ••      ft#       •M        • ft
            Thread and Twist   ♦                     • ••       • ••     • to
         CoUoa, Raw .       .              • ••      • ••       • *#     Ml
                                            4,500     19,000   16.400    • M
         D*te Juioe'   '   *               ».«
         !•                                                              M >
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