Page 233 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                      BE8IDENCY AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOB 18J4-85.

        No. 13.
        Articles of Trade imported into Lin gal during the Year 1984.

                             From tlio
           From     From   Aral) Coast of   From  From Kowcit,   From  Total V&lae
          Aden, Red   Muscat and   Persian Gulf   Persian Golf   Busrab, and   Zanzibar.  in Rapeoa.
          Sen, &c.  Dependencies.  and Bahrein.  and Mckran.  Baghdad.
            R        ft        R         R        R         R         R
                     2,400      2,400     900                          6,700
                       600                800                          6,400
                                          400                            400
             800                                     250    • ••       2,250
              300                         150                          8,260
                                         5,400                         5,400
                                1,800   20.500                        22,300
                                        51.500                        51,500
            • ••                                               50        850
                                                              900      7,800
            1,200                                                     80,100
            *•«                                                       18,500
            • ••       200                                               550
                               •H                                   10,32,800
                                        17.000                        25.500
                                        15.000                        15,GOO
            2,000   16,500      7,400   10,500     54,800             95,700
                       300      2,000              1,600               3,900
            4,350              • M      2*6,520                       35,170
                       250               5.700                         5,950
                      250        300     9.700        50              10.500
                     2,400       200    39.800     3,000              51,100
                       COO              63.800                        6-1,400
                                                   • •                   200
             400                         M00                • ••       9.400
                       150                250                            700
             600                         2,500                         3.600
            • ••                       1,49,250    15,450            8,90,700
                                          150      • •                   150
                                          700                          9.600
              200                600     5,400       400               7,800
                                         5,600              • ••       8.600
            • ••                                                       6,000
            1,000     800       2,400                       • ••       6,200
                       150               2,000     1,800               7,450
                    14,000    •••         600               • ••      14,600
                       300                800               • ••       1,100
                              • ••      •••                           • ••
            • ••               • ••                                    2.700
                     1,050      1,600   11,600     1,000              15,250
            • ••              • M        4,700     • •      • ••      34,900
            • M               • ••      • ••                • ••       5.700
                                         2,600     • •      • ••       2.500
            4,000    1,900     • ••      8,400              • % •
            • ••                         1,400              • ••      40,400
            • ••                                   #•                  1.400
           20,000            26,77,000  1,14,000   • •      • ••
             330      450                1,100                      28,11,000
            1,000    • •      •••       • • •                          10,500
                    11,600      8,800   67,060     • •                 82,450
                     ••         8,800   19,000                         22,800
                     • •                 6,000              • M
                                                   • t                  6,000
   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238