Page 280 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 280


                       Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from the Ports on tie
                              Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during the Tears 1683 and 1664—continued.
                                                          For tub Ykaro
                                                                           Incrcaso ia   Dccttma ia
                                                        1883.      1884.     188-1.   1884.

                                                         R          R         R        R
                       Date J uice   .   •                                             • ••
                       Drugs and Medicines                3.500      2,050               860
                       Dyeing and Colouring Materials     5.500      9,700    4,200    eee
                       Earthenware  .   •                                     • ••
                       Fruits and Vegetables             11,000      4,200              6,800
                       Fuel ....                           300                           300
                       Furniture   .      .  •                                         eee
                       Glass and Glassware                                    • #•     • ••
                       Gold Embroidered Cloth .                                        • ••
                        „ Lace                                                • ••
                        „ Thread, &c.
                       Grain and Pulse                              e e«
                       Gum ....
                       Hardware and Cutlery                          1,000    1,000
                       Hides and Skins                   • • •        250      250
                       Indigo ....                        8,100      7,100    • ••      1,000
                       Jute, Raw                         • ••                 • • •
                        ,, Manufactures of                9,500     i’o,800   1,300
                       Leather, Manufactures of .                             • ••     • ••
                       Lemons, Dry  .                     8,200      7,300               900
                       Lemon Juice   .  .                   30                            30
                       Liquors, Wines and Spirits                                      • ee
                       Lucifere   •  •
                       Mats •                                                          • ••
                       Metals .   .   .                  • ••       • M
                         „ Manufactures of                          • ef      • ••
                       Oil                               11,400     10,500               900
                       Opium ....                                   • ••      • ••
                       Paints and Colours .
                       Pearls «...                     28,22,000  39,78,000  11,50,000  • ••
                       Perfumery .                                                     • ••
                       Porcelain and Chinaware .                                       • ••
                       Provisions aud Oilman's Stores     2,500     13,600   11,100
                       Salt ....                                     2,500    2,500
                       Saltpetre                                                       eee
                       Seeds ....                                   • • t              eee
                       Shark Fins .   •                  16,500     14,500             2,000
                       Shells, Mother-o'-Pearl            6,500     73,000   66,500    • ••
                       Silk, Raw                         eee        • ••      • ••     • ••
                           Manufactures of
                        99   —'                          • ••       • ••      • ••     • ee
                       Spices .                          tee        • ••      • ••     • ••
                       Stationery                        fee        • ee      • ee     HI
                       Sugarcandy .                      eee        eee       • ••     • ••
                       Sugar, Crushed                    eee        ••f
                        „  Loaf .                        eee                  eee      • ee
                        „  Soft .                        eee        eee       #•#      eee
                       Tallow .                          eee        eee       eee      • ee
                       Tea                               eee                  • ee
                       Tobaooo                           • ee        5,800    6,800    e«e
                         „ Manufactures of               eee                  • ••     e e •
                       Timber and Wood •                 11,900      7,600    eee •    4,300
                       Wax, Bee** .                         400               eee
                       Wool .    •                       eee                  ee«      • ee
                      Woollen Goode •                     6,300     13,700    7,400    •*#
                       Other kinds •                     ...
                                          Total        29,60,030  42,13,000  12,71,050  28,880
                                          8fecii        3,45,000   3,06,000           39,000
                                GRAND TOTAL            33,14,030  45,10,000  12,71,050  67,880
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