Page 294 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 294


                        Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of Goods imported into Muscat_contd.

                                                         Fob thb official ykab
                         0             Article*.                            Incrcwc in   Decrease in
                         o                                                  1884-85.  18tj4-8L
                                                          1883-86.  1884-86.
                                                          Dollars. .  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                            CofTeo ....   .   ,             1,515    8,000     1,485
                            Sugar ....                       550                         550
                            Sugar loaf .                               800      800    • ••
                            Indian corn .   .   .   ...      105       600      405
                            Jowarec -    .    .   .    .      180      900      720
                            Cocoanutg .   .   .   .         1,990    1,500               490
                            Monkey-nut a   .                  50       200      150
                            Chintz.......................................  1,500  1,500
                            Cotton goods   ....              200     1,500    1,300
                            Paper .   .   .  • .             665       500    • It       165
                            Cloves                         14,490   13,500               990
                            Wood rafters   ....             2,750    1,000             1,750
                            Fowling-pieces   .   .   .   .  1,125    1,000               125
                        o   Frankincense   .   .   .   .     345      400       55
                        £   Antimony   .
                       -C                                     80       110      80
                            Amber                            300      300     • ••     t ••
                            Civet ......                     630     8,000    2,370
                            Dragon's-blood   .               590     5,000    4,410    • ••
                        2   Arabian gum   .   .   ,                             30
                        a                                     50       80
                            Wild cypress seed ....         20,415   28,000    7,585
                            Otto of roses   ....            4,100    2,000             2,100
                            Shurma   .                       725     1,200      475
                        P g  Gum ......                      120       200      SO
                            Senna leaves   ....                                 560
                       C/2                                   240      800
                            Aloes ......                     620       700      SO
                            Cowries   .   .   .   .          525     2,400    1,875
                            Soap .    .   .   .   ’          400       150               250
                            Mother-o'-pearl  .              8,450   13,000    4,550
                            Oil, kerosine   ....           25,370   20,700    • ••     4,670
                            Clocks......                      45      400      355
                            Cotton            ;                      1,200    1,200
                            Hides     .   ...                445      400                45
                            Razors   .                       125      200       75
                            Fed red cape   ....              700      750       50
                            Flour.................................................  85   85
                            Candles   .                       65      200      135
                            Miscellaneous articles, such as raftere,
                             wood, &c. .....               13,900   20,000    6,100
                                              Total       103,485  180,990   34,925   11,220
                                              Specie       50,000   15,000            35,000
                                      GRAND TOTAL         153,485  145,990   34,925   46,200

                       3»   Planks.                          204      200                 4
                       P a                                                            28,250
                       •4 9 2  Cotton sheetings            31,250    3,000
                       55   Kerosice oil .                 16",667            Ml      16,667
                            Boxes, ihookf                   6,876    8,000    1,124    • M
                            Wax paper .                     1,053    1,000    11 •       53
                       “ S  Sundries                         490     1,000     510
                       a -4  Rum .   .                      1,200                      T,200
                       eg   Crockery •                        45     IM       • ••       45
                                                                     • ••
                         K                                                             • ••
                            Miscellaneous                   1,950    2,000      50
                                              Total        69,735   15,200    1,884   46,219
                                              Specie       15,000   62,000   47,000

                                      GRAND TOTAL          74,735   77,200   48,684   46,219
   289   290   291   292   293   294   295   296   297   298   299