Page 303 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 303
30. In Octobor, in consoqucnco of a quarrel with Ali-bin-Rashid and Jasim-bin-'fhani,
sorao of tho inhabitants of \Yakrah belonging to the tribes of Al-bu-Ainain and Al-Jiran,
and numbering about lUO men, in ten boats, left that placo with tho object of settling else
31. They ultimately scttlod at El-Gharecyat in Katr.
3fc. In Octobor, Shaikh Josim-bin-Thani wrote to the Resident stating his intention of
settling at Odaid. In reply, tho Resident informed him of the orders of Government regard
ing that placo, and requested him to renounce his intention of going there. Shaikh Jasim
having written again about this matter, the warning was repeated.
33. Subsequently, in November, on the visit of the Assistant Resident to El-Bida, in Her
Majesty's Reindeer, Shaikh Jasim gavo him to understand that ho wished to submit himself
to the British Government in all things.
34. A complaint was received from somo banians who had gone to Bida, that Shaikh
Jasim had asked them to pay R700 each, in refund of tho fine of R8,000 levied from him
by Government. Shaikh Jasim, in a letter to tho Resident, admitted his having done so, but
stated he had not yet taken the money from them. He was reminded of his promise to pro
tect the banians so long as he remained at El-Bida, and informed that it would he a breach
of agreement if he made the Hindus refund the fine, and that he would be held responsible.
35. In December, Shaikh Jasim 6Cnt a forco to raid El-Gahrecyat. Tho village was
plundered and four men killed.
36. At present Katr is in a somewhat disturbed state.
37. The Administration of the Province of Fare has continued to he in the hands of His
Royal Highness the Zil-es-Sultan, the titular Governor of Shiraz to whom the Sahib Diwan
is subordinate.
38. Dissensions between tho Sahib Diwan and the Kowam-el-Mulk resulted in the for
mer tendering his resignation in April to the Zil-es-Sultan. The resignation was not accepted
by His Royal Highness, and the Sahib Diwan and the Kowam-el-Mulk subsequently became
outwardly reconciled.
39. His Majesty the Shah announced his intention of paying a visit to Fare, and officers
were sent to the various districts to collect provisions. Owing to the bad harvest this unusual
demand on the resources of tho people caused much distress and gave rise to disturbances. In
August, however, news was received that His Majesty the Shah had postponed his contem
plated visit to Shiraz. This greatly relieved the public mind and caused a fall in the price of
40. Much distress prevailed this year in the Shiraz districts owing to the partial failure
of tho wheat crop. The price of bread rose high and serious bread riota occurred in that town.
Some bakers were punished by the authorities, but tho persons chiefly to blame were the
influential grain-holders who withheld their large stores in hope of profit.
41. Owing to the feebleness of the government of Fare, disturbances were rife throughout
the province during the past year.
42. In April the Shahzada Muhammad Husain Mirza, who had been appointed Deputy
Governor of Bunder Abbass and Lingah, arrived at Bushire
en route to Bonder Abbas.
43. The Persian Government steamer Pertepolit, carrying three guns and commanded by
Captain Wolkowitz, arrived from Bremen in May.
44. In Juno the Motemen-cl-Mulk tendered his resignation of the Governorship of
Boshire, and Shahzada Nowzer Mirza was appointed in his place.
45. Tnis appointment was subsequently cancelled, and Haji Muhammad Mebdi, Malek-ul-
Tnj&r, was made Governor of Bnshire and its district*.
46. An embargo on the exportation of grain wa* imposed from the 11th September.
47. In December the laying of a new submarine cable between Jask and Buahire was
successfully completed under tho superintendence of Colonel Champain, B. E., and Sir Henry
Manoe. J
48. In Jnuuary disturhanoos occurred at Barez Jun in connootion with the oollcction of
revenue from the Khans of Dashtistan, necessitating the despatch of a force from Shiraz,