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             Accordingly n consignment of 20 main and 40 female dato plants was procured from
          Busrch and despatched per 13. I. S. N. Co.'s steamer Penang to Beypore for transmission to
          Bangalore, and tlio Conservator was advised, as per No. 272-151, dated 12th March 1871, of this
          consignment, and further on the 22nd April of that year Colonel Polly sent him copy of a
          report submitted by him to tho Bombay Government on the 9th October 1869, on the cultiva­
          tion of tho date-palm. Tho Conscvator, in his letter No. 450, dated 14th June 1871, intimated
          that the plants had arrived alive and had bocn planted in Bangalore.
             The Chief Commissioner of Oudh wrote to the Bombay Government, as per No. 8303,
          dated ISth July 1871, intimating that the experimental cultivation of the date-palm was so
          successful in Oudh, that a supply may be sent annually as requested in his letter dated 18th
          May 18G9, and further adding that no seeds were received in 1870.
             Copy of tho abovo letter was sent to Colonel Pelly, as per Government Resolution No.
          3633, requesting him to comply with the requisition of the Chief Commissioner in Oudh^
          asd to explain why a supply of stones was not sent to India in 1869-70, as directed in Gov­
          ernment Resolution No. 1785, dated 3rd June 1869.
             Colonel Pclly, in his reply, No. 1010-260, dated 12th September 1871, explained the
          cause of the non-transmission, discussing 6orae points connected with the propagation of the
          date-palm by offshoots, &c., aud requested that the Chief Commissioner might specify what
          samples he desires a further supply of, that the same might be sent to him; and further, on
          the 13th October 1871, he sent a bag of dates to Bombay consigned to the Secretary to Gov­
          ernment for transmission to the Chief Commissioner in Oudh.
             In his reply, No. 5119, dated 7th November 1871, the Secretary to the Chief Commis­
          sioner of Oudh wrote to tho Bombay Government requesting that an expression of the Chief
          Commissioner's thanks be conveyed to Colonel Pclly for the gieat trouble taken by him in
          securing information about the cultivation of tho date-palm, and begging that an annual
          supply of such sorts of seeds as reach the *r Khoormah" stage be furnished without the pulp.
          He further requested a supply of 50 offshoots of the best sort, and forwarded Dr. Bonavia's
          report No. 275, dated 31st October 1871, having reference to Colonel Polly's letter No.
          1010-260, dated 12th September 1871.
             In sending the above letter and enclosure to Colonel Pclly, the Bombay Government
          desired, as per Resolution No. 5912, dated 7th December 1871, to send the offshoots and
          naked seeds to India required by the Oudh Administration. The Bombay Government
          further sent, as per their Resolution No. 6355, dated 30th December 1871, the Government
         of India Resolution stating, "that so far as the experiment of introducing the superior varieties
         of the date-palm into Oudh has yet proceeded, it appears to promise ultimate success, and that
         it is desirable to ensure, for some years to come, a regular supply of seeds and offshoots of
         the better kinds in view of extending the experiment."
             On the 29th of Jauuary 1872, Colonel Pclly advised the Government of Bombay his
         having despatched, per steam-ship Caxhmere, a bag of about 1041b, consisting of the under­
         mentioned kinds of seeds from Busrah required by the Commissioner of Ondh :—
               Hallo wi                                             24 84
               Khtdrowi                                             *4.
               Sajcr                                                14 m
               Zahedi .
               Gan tar .                                            a.
               Variooi aorta                                         §.
             On the 18th February 1872, Colonel Pelly advised the Secretary, Bombay Government,
         his having despatched, on tho 2nd of that month, 96 offshoots per steam-ship Bagdad to his
         consignment for the Oudh Administration.
             The Bombay Government, as per Resolution No. 1904, dated 27th March 1872, sent to
         Colonel Pelly copy of papers including Dr. Bonavia's report conveying the cordial thanks of
         the Government of Oudh, for the trouble in forwarding the offshoots and dato seeds, which
         were received in good condition, and requested that he would meet with the wishes of tho
         Ondh authorities with reference to tho supply of further batches of the date plant* required.
             Or. Bonavin’s report of the 23rd February 1872 stated that the plants were planted in
         the Lucknow Horticultural Garden, and that a M seer" of eaoh kind of date seeds had been
         ft>wu in the said garden, while the remainder was distributed among the district o&oers of Ondh,
            In accordance with tho wishes of the Department of Agriculture, Revenue, and Com-
         memo, which were commnnicatod as per Bombay Government Resolution No, 4207, dated
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