Page 366 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 366


                                                 TABLE No.' 18.

                     Contrasted Statenent showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Bunder Abbots
                                            during the years 1884 and 18S5.
                                                        Fok tub Year
                                                                         Inovnso in   Dccrcaae in
                                 Clabb.                                    1885.    1885.
                                                      1SS4.      1885.
                                                       a         ft         ft       ft

                     Animals, living                    2,100      2,200     100
                     Apparel, Wearing                                      • ••
                     Arms and Ammunition                *1,200      500               700
                     Beads and Amber
                     Books and Printed Matter            400                          400
                     Building Materials .               1,000      1,500     500
                     Canes and Rattans •
                     Canvas ....                        1,500      2,500    1,000
                     Cattle .                           1,500      2,000     500
                     Clocks and Wafches.                                   • ••
                     Coal ....
                     Coffee .
                     Coir and Coir Rope .
                     Confectionery Preserves            1,000      2,000   .1,000
                     Cotton Goods .
                       „ Thread and Twist .
                       „ Raw .                        2,00,000  2,50,000   50,000
                     Dates ....                       1,00,000    55,000   • ••     45,000
                    Date Juice
                    Drugs and Medi.'ines              1,20,700    75,000            51*700
                    Dyeing and Colouring Materials    :3,15,500   3,06/ >00          9,500
                    Earthenware .                       1,000       500               500
                    Fruits and Vegetables             5,19,000   5,20,000   1,000
                    Fuel ....
                     Glass and Glassware                 550                          550
                     Gold Embroidered Cloth .
                      „ Lace
                      „ Thread, &c.
                    Grain and Pulse                    25,500     44,000   13,500
                    Gum ....                            6,000      1,000             6,000
                    Hardware and Cdtlery                                            •••
                    Hides and Skins •                  •••                          • ••
                    Indigo ....                         6,000    • ••               6,000
                    Jute, Raw ...                      • ••      • ••      • ••
                      „ Manufactures of                          • ••
                    Leather, Manufactures of .           700                          700
                     Lemons, Dry ...                               1,000   3,000
                    Lemon Juice •   .   # •             1,300    • ••                1,300
                    Liquors, Wines, and Spirits
                    Xmcifero •      •   . •                                          1,800
                    Mats •                              2,500       700             • ••
                    Metals ....
                      M Manufactures of .                                           • ••
                    Millstones                          3,800      4,000     200    • ••
                    oa                                           • ••             1,10,000
                     Opium .                          7,02,000  5,92,000   • ••     • ••
                    Paints and Colours •   •           •ts       • ••      • ••     • ••
                    Pearls  •   •   •                                               •••
                    Perfumery . #  •                   • ««
                    Porcelain and Clunaware .                    • ••                ijooo
                    Provisions and Oilman's Stores     17.000     10,000   • ••
                    Salt   •   •   •                   12.000     12,000            3,500
                    Saltpetre                           4,500      1,000   3,000    •••
                    Seeds  •   •   •                   87,000     40,000
   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370   371