Page 156 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 156
total, stages.
7 m. Amadhdn.
For a mile or two track crosses a stretch of
level desert, good going ; sandstone then
ends and granite plain extends to Ha’il, about
3 hrs. march ; after about 6 miles, route
runs down a wadi bordered with palm-groves,
with here and there fine clumps of tamarisk.
Mounds passed with ruins of houses, probably
the remains of a more ancient town said to
have existed E. of the present town of Ha’il.
Jebel Samra passed to S., just before end of
403 34 HA’IL, town ; see I, pp. 384£f.
Authority : Miss Gertrude Bell, 1914.
Direction : General dir. SSW. To wells of Loqah, SW. by S.; afterwards, a little
W. of S.
Distance : Crow-fly, 340 miles ; road, 3574.
Character and Supplies : see p. 27 f.
total, stages.
NEJEF, town of ‘Iraq; see above, p. 73.
Dir. S. through cultivation irrigated by canal from
Nahr Hindi yah.
6 m. Cultivation ends. Route runs alongside of
Bahr en-Nejef.
9 m. Bahr en-Nejef quitted ; 3 m. to end of stage.
18 18 Qal'at $r-Rehabah (or Qasr es-Seyyid), village of fellahin
from Nejef Castle; abundant spring (‘im es-
Seyyid) rising close beneath walls, water slightly
sulphurous. Cultivated fields.
Dir. W. by N.
2im. Umeilah, rain-pool under sloping rocks.
9 m. Dir. changed to SSW. An alternative and
well-beateu track from Nejef comes in here.