Page 358 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 358


   i                                                                      (
              ISO                          WESTERN ROUTES

              total, stages.
                             Meclheiq (Modhciq), the outlet of Wacli Lcimfm •
                                      above, p. 175 (m. 319 of Route A) and p i~
                                      (m. 225 of Route B). Near it is Jedidah,\vis
                                      palms and corn-fields watered by springs. '
                             Barud (Barrud) ; fig-trees and wells of cool water ; .sc
                                      below, p. 1S1 (m. Ill of Route D).
                             MECCA, town ; see I, pp. 123 ff.
              D The Route according to Persian Gulf Gazetteer,
  V                                                                                        FRO
                                            NATIVE INFORMATION
                             MEDINA, town ; see I, p. 116 f. [In the first part c
                                      the route, as far as Hathah (a distance of 200 n
                                      according to Route A), names of stages only ar
                                      mentioned ; from that point to Mecca, distancc-
                                      are given.]
   :                         Dhahdrah.

                             Khanaq; see above, p. 173 (m. 42 of Route A) ant
                                      13. 176 (m. 70 of Route B).
                             Ras el-Boghdz.
                             Hijriyah; see above, p. 173 (m. 103 of Route A) anc
   ;                                  p. 176 (m. 71 of Route B).
                             Sufeinah; see above, p. 174 (m. 146 of Route A) anc
                                     p. 177 (m. 116 of Route B).
                  0     0 Hathah, wells; see above, p. 174 (m. 200 of Route A).
                               Dir. SSW., over a rising saline plain for about 11 m
                                     (3 hrs.) ; then over undulating stony ground.
                                  24 m. (7 hrs. from Hathah) Birkat esh-Shdmi, fron
                                           which water is taken by the pilgrims to purify
                                           their ihrams ; cf. p. 174, (m. 238 of Route A)
 I                                         The track then crosses a gravelly plain, witl
                                           acacia and other trees.
                             Wadi ‘Aqiq, a camping-ground with a tank, situated ii
                35    35
                                     a i'un<de of ber and other trees.
                               Dir continuing SSW. for about 11 m. (3 hrs.) o\ci
                                    ’ a level plain with acacias, and for the rest of the
                                     sta^e over a difficult rocky track, narrow ii
                                     nlaces, between hills.'
                                     1 Persian Haji Route (Route No. 23) comes lr
                                             cf (p. 177) m. H6 of Route B, which states
                                     that it falls in at Sufeinah.

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