Page 518 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 518


            262                    SOUTH-WESTERN ROUTES

            total, stages.
                                13 m. Rakah, with cluster of rak trees, but                 no
                                         water.     Village of Kamidah, of about 50
                                         houses, lies about 3 m. to SE. ;            there is
                                         brackish water here at 18 ft., and consider­
                                         able wheat and lucerne cultivation.
                             Dir. slightly N. of E., across plain towards northern
                                   spur of JebelTamrah.
             691  65 Tamrah, village ; see above, Route No. 58, p. 256.

                                             ROUTE 60

                               ADEN—SHEIKH SA'ID—MOCHA

           Authorities: Military Report on Aden Protectorate, and information from Arab
                tribes in neighbourhood of Aden. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot. Admiralty
                Chart of Red Sea (Sheet 5).
           General Direction : W. to Sheikh Sa‘Id ; then N. by W. to Mocha.
            Distance : Crow-fly, 130 miles ; road, 1G5 miles.
            Character and Supplies : see p. 57.

           total.  stages.
                          ADEN, town ; see I, p. 203 f.
                             Dir. N., along a made road, broad and with good
                                   surface, to Sheikh ‘Othman.
                                2 m. Khar Maksar, Aden troop lines. [Road
                                        leaves N. by E. along coast to Shughrah ;
                                        see Route No. 65, pp. 285 fir.]
                                4 m. Sheikh ‘Othman, town; see I, p. 204f.                         !
                             Dir. W., over hard sand, across open desert. ^
                                44 m. Cross wide shallow bed of Wadi Kebir.
             114 114 Bir Ahmed, populous village, on r. bank of Zeida

                                   with extensive palm-grove one mile to E. : olr:x .
                                   or nine wells, but water brackish, though pleati u
                                   all the year round; two best wells among-
                                   cultivation about 400 yds. E. of village;
                                  camping-ground.                        .    ,
                             Dir. W., over rather heavy sand, with short stie <■ ‘ ■
                                   of hard track ; a number of tracks dneigt
                                   various directions, in this stage ; keep going
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