Page 518 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 518
total, stages.
13 m. Rakah, with cluster of rak trees, but no
water. Village of Kamidah, of about 50
houses, lies about 3 m. to SE. ; there is
brackish water here at 18 ft., and consider
able wheat and lucerne cultivation.
Dir. slightly N. of E., across plain towards northern
spur of JebelTamrah.
691 65 Tamrah, village ; see above, Route No. 58, p. 256.
Authorities: Military Report on Aden Protectorate, and information from Arab
tribes in neighbourhood of Aden. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Pilot. Admiralty
Chart of Red Sea (Sheet 5).
General Direction : W. to Sheikh Sa‘Id ; then N. by W. to Mocha.
Distance : Crow-fly, 130 miles ; road, 1G5 miles.
Character and Supplies : see p. 57.
total. stages.
ADEN, town ; see I, p. 203 f.
Dir. N., along a made road, broad and with good
surface, to Sheikh ‘Othman.
2 m. Khar Maksar, Aden troop lines. [Road
leaves N. by E. along coast to Shughrah ;
see Route No. 65, pp. 285 fir.]
4 m. Sheikh ‘Othman, town; see I, p. 204f. !
Dir. W., over hard sand, across open desert. ^
44 m. Cross wide shallow bed of Wadi Kebir.
114 114 Bir Ahmed, populous village, on r. bank of Zeida
with extensive palm-grove one mile to E. : olr:x .
or nine wells, but water brackish, though pleati u
all the year round; two best wells among-
cultivation about 400 yds. E. of village;
camping-ground. . ,
Dir. W., over rather heavy sand, with short stie <■ ‘ ■
of hard track ; a number of tracks dneigt
various directions, in this stage ; keep going