Page 554 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 554


          280                   SOUTH-WESTERN ROUTES

          total, stages.
                                       el-Amir, which passes Bir Sa'Td ‘Ali 8 m. before
                                      preaching Lahej.]
             16  16 Bir Sa'id Ali, 3 wells ; see above, p. 266.
                           Dir. N. through cultivation.
                              14 m. Wadi es-Saghir.           Follow up stony bed of
                                       wadi for 4 m. (or a track may be taken along
                                       1. bank) ; then leave wadi and turn NW.
                              34 m. Bir Salim, well; water plentiful but in­
                                          [Track from Lahej 2 m. to W., joins in.]
             24     8 Bir Am Seiji, camping-ground ; see above, p. 267.
                              [For details of stage from Bir Am Seifi. to Nubat
                                 Dakim see Route No. 61, p. 267 f.]
             40  16 Nubat Dakim, camping-ground ; see above, p. 268.
                           Dir. N., ascending over stony ground; then a descent.
                              14 m. Wadi Bilik is entered and followed for about
                                       7 m.: or a good alternative road, made in
                                       1903 for some distance along 1. bank, may
                                       be taken.
                              54 m. Matlah, camping-ground much used by cara­
                                       vans, but supply of water rather scanty and
                                       impure. Wadi Bilih soon makes a bend, and
                                       the track leaves it and turns up a dry wadi-
                                       bed ; at 1 m. it comes out upon an open stony
                                       plateau with good firm going ; then a descent
                                       between rocky hills to Milah.
                              6 m. Milah, group of poor huts, on r.                bank of
                                       Wadi Milah. Camp on 1. bank, where there
                                       is a large new well, with ample supply t
                                       of good water ; a little forage may be ob­
                                       tained locally. Military post (1903), on low
                                       rocky hill 500 yds. NE.
                                         [Tracks go off r. for Hajar and Sauda.]
                           Dir. N. of E. towards -Jehel Jirnil (a landmark), among
                                 rocky hills, but good firm going.
                               6 m. Descend into Wadi Am Suheibiyak (jn>t
                                       below Jebel Jimil), and turn N. up stoiv>
                                       bed of wadi, on to the stony Habilein plateau,
                                       where the territory of the Emir of Dim a
                                      is entered ; the village of Suleiq (site ot a
                                      military post) lies a little to E. Cross plateau. »
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