Page 632 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 632
Authorities : Wellsted, 1S36 ; Miles, 1876 and 1885 ; Cox, 1902 ; with native
General Direction : SW. ; then W. ; then NW.
Distance : Crow-fly, 188 miles ; road, 294 miles.
Character and Supplies: see p. 62.
total, stages.
MUSCAT, town; see I, pp. 255 ff.
[There are two land routes from Muscat to
Matrah, one by a steep and rugged pass through
Riyam to Mateirah, on the sea a little E. of
Matrah, the other by a still more difficult pass
direct to Mateirah ; but neither of these paths
is practicable for laden animals. Everything is
carried from Muscat to Matrah by sea in large
canoes, which ply regularly and afford the
general mode of transit.]
2 m. MATRAH, town; see I, p. 257 f. Leave
Matrah by the Bab el-Keblr in SW. corner
of town.
Dir. SSW. by road over pass of Kharashif, a natural
opening in the volcanic hills on the landward side
of Matrah.
1 l.V m. Beit el-Felej, village of about thirty houses
with date-plantations, in a small wadi of
the same name ; fortified residence of the
Sultan of Oman, who resides here in the hot
Continue SSW. across Seih el-FI anna l,
a small plain or widening of Wadi Beit el- ;
Felej, towards Ruwi. which lies a short dis
tance beyond its 1. bank.
U m. Ruwi, village of about fifty mud houses and
huts, in small wadi of its own, a r. bank
tributary of Wadi *Adai; good water from
wells at .)() ft. ; date-palms and extensive