Page 289 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
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        2.  Administrative Services Rs. 3.36,750.
              The actual expenditure last year was Re. 2,97,500 against an estimated
        expenditure of Rs. 3,24,000. Additional expenditure has been provided for in the
        Advisorate, Customs and Judicial departments to cover the cost of leave passages,
        Assistant Adviser, increase in Magistrates' salaries and the services of a legal expert
        to assist in compiling a code. Tho purchases of some additional equipment for the
        Government garage has been allowed for.
        3.  Public Health Rs. 1,98,800.
             Included under this heading is Rs. 45,000 to be spent on anti-malaria
             Medical services provide for carrying on tho medical work which is being
       done now, the existing dispensaries and staff and also for a State Medical Officer,
       nurses, dressers etc., for the Women’s Hospital for ten months and for the Men's
        Hospital for six months. It also includes the contribution to tho Victoria Memorial
             Quarantine expenses include the rent of the Quarantine station, Rs. 4,800,
       which is paid to His Highness Shaikh Sir Hamad, and the pay of the quarantine
       6taff and running costs of the quarantine launch.
             Hospital diets have been calculated at the rate of fifty in-patients for eight
             About Rs. 20,000 of the sura provided for drugs and dressing is payment for
       goods which were ordered during 1358, the remainder is for new stock.
             Equipment includes linen and replacement of perishable medical stores.
       4.  Public Protection Rs. 3,37,100.
             The sum of Rs. 50,000 hss been provided to pay for the additional naturs
       who are now employed on defence work and for the proposed new force of special
       police consisting of fifty men, NCOs and one Arab Officer. It has been assumed
       that the special police will be paid for ten months of the year 1359.
             Equipment and Uniforms include Rs. 8,000 being part of the oost of motor
       bicycles purchased in 1358. The cost of rations is higher than last year and the
       strength of the rer ular police has increased.
       5.  Education Rs. 1,30,000.
             In addition to the sum allotted for recurrent cost of education Rs. 20,000 has
       been included under ‘Special Public Works' for enlarging the Technical School and
       purchasing more equipment.
             Provision has been made for tho existing schools throughout the year and
       also for additional staff for separate Infants’ School and enlarged Technical School
       and for the first four months of the next school year whioh begins in October.
             Special Education is the fee paid for the two sons of Shaikh Mohomed bin
       Isa Alkhalifah who are being educated at Government expense in Beyrout.
       6.  Municipalities Rs. 60,400.
             Manamh and Muharraq muncipalities receive a grant of Rs. 2.000 per month
       from the Government and Rs. 200 per month is paid to Muharraq Municipality for
       work at Hedd.
            Half the proceeds of Car Tax is divided between the two Municipalities.
       7.  Agriculture Rs. 10,000.
            This inoludes wages and upkeep of garden, seeds, transport etc. It can be
      reasonably expected that about half of this amount will be recovered from sale of
      8.  Contingencies Rs. 25,000.
            Inoludes printing of revenue stamps, Government forms, publications in the
      looal newspaper, and office furniture and equipment.
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