Page 295 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 295
Normal revenue during 1359 decreased by about 3^ lakhs : the falling off was
mainly in customs receipts and oil royalty. The difficulty in obtaining transport for oil
was one of the causes of the reduced oil output. The condition of the pearl industry
was worse than in any year in which results have been recorded, and while the war
lasts there is little chance of any improvement. The cost of living in Bahrain increased
considerably in spite of the measures taken by the Government to prevent profiteering
by controlling the prices of essential commodities. Owing to the reduction in the
activities of the Bahrain Petroleum Company, a bad diving season, and no important
public works employing local labour being carried out by the Government, there was
much unemployment in Bahrain and distress among the poorer people. All these
conditions were due directly or indirectly to the war.
During the year His Highness Shaikh Sir Hamad bin Isa AI-Khahfah granted
ihe Bahrain Petroleum Company an oil concession over the remaining unallocated
area of the Bahrain islands. 'Phis concession had been under consideration for some
lime. The company began to work in the area covered by the new concession.
An additional 16J lakhs was added to the Reserve Fund and invested in 3A per
tent War Loan, bringing up the total of the reserve to £500,000 sterling. The
expenditure during the year amounted to Rs. 29,14,000, of which approximately
half was paid to the Ruling Family.
Much progress was made in medical and educational work during the year.
The two Government hospitals, for men and for women, were opened, and the
anti-malaria work was extended into the cultivated area and the villages beyond the
neighbourhood of Manamah with satisfactory results. Many improvements were made
in the schools by the employment of better qualified teachers in the country schools
as well as in the towns and a new final school was opened in Manamah.
The state of public security was good. There were no serious crimes during ihe
year and no political disturbances. Traffic accidents, which at one time caused a
very high proportion of deaths, decreased considerably.
The budget for 1360 is a.conservative one. On the revenue side an income of
Rs. 35,64,000 is expected which is almost 9J lakhs less than was anticipated in
1359. The revenue in 1359 was 49 lakhs, but this included several large abnormal
receipts. On the expenditure side provision has been made for increased expendi
ture on public protection, including war-time defence measures and on medical services.
The principal public works to be done during the year are the completion of the
hospital and the Manamah Muharraq bridge, which was delayed owing to the material
not having arrived from England, and the construction of married quarters at the
C. Dat.rymplk Bei.gravr, C.B.E.
Bahrain, May, 1941.