Page 358 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 358
Bahrain the bridge, owing to the war, is of great military value. The bridge is
free to pedestrians but motor vehicles pay a toll. During the first month that it
was opened about 30,000 pedestrians used the bridge and it is estimated that the
revenue from vehicles will amount to about Rs. 2,500 monthly.
The budget for year 1361 is a conservative one, the principal feature being
the small amount allocated to public works. Owing to the war building is difficult
and costly and in many cases imported material is impossible to obtain. A scheme
for a town water supply to be made by linking up several artesian wells and piping
water throughout Manamah town was abandoned as the prospect of obtaining pipes,
etc., was too indefinite. When conditions make this work possible it would be a
welcome public amenity and would also contribute towards reducing malaria by
doing away with house wells.
The prospects, financial, commercial and political, for the coming year
depend upon the course of the war which so far, except by increasing the cost of
living, has scarcely affected the life of Bahrain. The majority of the inhabitants
have no conception of the conditions in other countries which are closer to the
war zone and few of them realise that it is not out of the bounds of possibility
that Bahrain may be more acutely affected as the war continues.
June 1942. Adviser to the Government oj Bahrain.