Page 288 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 288


                                         Estimate* for the year 1884-85—continued.

                                                                      Vnluo in
                       From          Articloo.           Quantity.    Dollars.    Remarks.

                           Antimony   •                  10 casks         110
                           Amber •                        3 boxes         300
                           Civet .                       60 horns        3.000
                           Dragon’s-blood               300 casks        6.000
                           Arabian gum .                  7 bags           80
                           Wild cypress seed            700  tt         23,000
                           Otto of roses .     .         10 boxes        2,000
                       2   Sburma     .  » •   •        250 bags         1,200
                           Gum .      .'   •             10 boxes         200
                       <   Senna leaves  .   •     •  •  250 bags         800
                       a   Aloes .    •                   6 boxes         700
                       3   Cowries    •   •             600 bags         2,400
                       3 S  Soap........................................  5 boxes   150
                           Motber-o’-pearl   •   ,      125 candies     13,000
                       p:  Oil, kcrosiuo  •           17,000 cases      20,700
                       <   Clocks .   .   •               4 boxes         400
                       a   Cotton........................................  1,200
                       6                                200 bags
                       o   Hides.......................................  25 scores   400
                       CO  Razors........................................  3 boxes  200
                           Fez red caps  .   •     .  .   5 „             750
                           Flour, American   •
                           Caudles    .                  50 boxes         200
                           Miscellaneous articles, such as raf­
                            ters, wood for native craft,  }  • ••       20,000
                            empty boxes, &c.

                                           Total                       130,990
                                          Specie                        15,000*
                                  GRAND TOTAL                          145,990

                           Planks .                     500 in No.        200
                       38  Cotton sheetings              50 bales       3,000
                       a*  Kerosioe oil .                  • ••
                       as O  Boxes, shooks                 • ••         8,000
                           Wax paper                                    1,000
                       £ Q  Sundries                       ...          1,000
                       Q *<  Rum •
                       Ss  Crockery                v
                       5s  Miscellaneous .                 • ••         2,000
                                          Total                         15,200
                                           Specie          •••          62,000
                                  GRAND TOTAL              • ••         77,200

                                 Total Imports.
                           From India ,   ,   ,    ,       •••       1,820,955
                             „ Persian Gulf, Basra, and
                                 Mekr&n Coast .    •       •••         488,880
                             u South Arabia and Africa • .   •••       130,990
                            „ Unitod 8tates, Mauritius,
                                 and Singapore                          77,900

                                           Total           •ft       * 1,903,025
   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290   291   292   293