Page 378 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 378


                  Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Bahrein'
                                    during the years 1881 and 1885.—concluded.

                                                     Fob tick Tiab
                                                                      Incrctuo in
                               CUlAS.                                          Dccrciwo in
                                                                        1885.    1885.
                                                   1884.      1885.
                                                     ft         ft       ft       ft
                  Dyeing and Colouring Material*     3,630     4.000      370    •••
                  Earthenware • •                    3,300     3,450      150
                  Fruits and Vegetables             12,540      9.000   • ••     M*
                  Fuel ....                          4,050      2,100            1,950
                  Furniture                                     1,150   1,150
                  Glass and Glassware                 880        600               280
                  Gold Embroidered Cloth .           1,000       500               500
                   ,, Lace •     •   <                710        650                60
                   „ Thread, &c. • .                 3,550     3,800      250    • ••
                  Grain and Pulse                  2,29,410  2,29,500      90    • ••
                  Gum .     .                         130        150       20
                  Hardware and Cutlery               1,500      1,400              100
                  Hides and Skins                   25,300     26,500    1,200   • ••
                  Indigo ....                        8,200     7,600               600
                  Jute, Raw                           650        750      100
                   „ Manufactures oE                 6,000     6,500      500
                  Leather, Manufactures of.          1,700     1,900      200    t ••
                  Lemous, Dry .                      1,750      1,900     150
                  Lemon Juice .                        80         70                10
                  Liquors, Wines, and Spirits                    200      200    • ••
                  Lucifers                           1,250     1,300       50    • ••
                  Mats ....                         11,100     10,800              300
                  Metals .   ...                     8,460     9,050      590
                   „ Manufactures of .               . 7«0       950      250    • ••
                  Millstones                          110         90                20
                  Oil                               14,900     18,600   3,700
                  Opium ....                          100        110       10
                  Paints and Colours .                 80         90       10
                  Pearls ....                     23,12,000  17,-14,000        5,68,000
                  Perfumery                          7,800     7,300               500
                  Porcelain and China ware .         1,900     2,100      200    • ••
                 Provisions and Oilman’s Stores     20,780     24,800   4,020
                  Salt ....                           500        450                50
                  Saltpetre   •      . •              950        850               100
                  Seeds .   .        . •             2,040     2,220      180    • ••
                  Shark Fins  •   .                  8,800     9,300      500
                  Shells, Mother-o-Peari .           2,700     2,850      150
                  Silk, Raw                          7.200      7,700     500    • ••
                   „ Manufactures of'               22,200     21.300              900
                 Spices- .   .   •* . .             48,040     49.300   1,260    • ••
                  Stationery  •                      1.200      1,050              150
                  Sugar Candy •                      7,000     7,200      200    • • •
                   „ Crushed                          320        360       40    • ••
                   „ LoaX  ..                         920       1,000      80    • ••
                   „ Soft /                         15,250     16,500   1,250    • ••
                 T&Uqw •   .    ..                   4,300     4,650      350    • ••
                 Tea ....                             400        450       60
                 Tobaoco....                        87,400     39,000    1,600   • ••
                    „ Manufactures of .              2,830      3,000     170
                 Timber and Wood .                  11,100     11,700     600    • ••
                  Wax, Bees*  ...                     200        240       40
                 Wool .    .     .                   9,400      9,000   • ••       400
                 Woollen Goods                      11,190     11,700     510    •••
                 Other kinds  .                                41,350   41,350

                                     Total*       34,92,080  29,43,605  76,360  6,19,786
                                     Spec i i      0,80,000  6,50,000   Mf

                            GRAND TOTAL           41,72,030  35,98,605  76,360  6,49,785
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