Page 401 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 401


           Controlled Statement showing the Valve and Description of Goods exported from Muecat—-concld.

                                            Fob Tnx OrncrAj, Tui
                                                             Increase (a   Decrease In
                         Article*.                            1685-86.  1885-88.
                                            188-1-85.  1885-86.
                                             Dollars.  Dollar*.  Dollars.  Dollars.
           American Cloth   •                 5,800  116,000  110,200   • ••
           Wool •   •   •                     2,000    1,200   • ••       800
           Rifles •   •   •                   2,000     400              1,600
           Paper                                250     500      250     • ••
           Mat bags                           2,000    8,000    6,000
           Miscellaneous articles            35,000   32,000             3,000

                                 Total      1,241,555  1,042,535  165,150  364,170
                                 Specib      400,000  350,000   • ••    50,000

                        GRAND TOTAL         1,641,555  1,392,535  165,150  414,170

              Contrasted Statement showing the Taint and Description of Goods imported into Muscat.
                                 Estimate ros tin teas 1885-86.
                                            Fob tus Omciat, Yeas
           From           Articles.                           Increase in   Decrease in
                                             1884-85.  18S5-86.
                                             Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
               Rice, Bengal                  620,000  460,000          160,000
                n Malabar                     10,000   4,000             6,000
                n Fed .                       1,500      500             1,000
               Wheat                          3.000    4,600    1,500    • ••
               Bajri                            250      65               185
               Jowari #                       4.000    3,400              600
               DhaU                             400     400
               Sugar                          70,000   45,900   • ••    24,100
               Sugar-candy                    1,200      850              350
               Jagree                           150      150    • ••     • ••
               Coffee .                      45,000   31,500            13,500
               Tea .    .                       450      200              250
               Pepper                         7.000    2,400             4,600
               Turmeric                       2,300    1,500    •••        800
               Cardamoms                      2.000    1,250              7oO
               Cinnamon .                     2,700    2,200               500
            o  Ginger, dry .                    110      100    • ••       10
           A   Nutmeg .                         250     230                20
               Betel-nuts                     1,000    1,200     200     • ••
               Cocoanuta, fresh                 100     450      350
                  »    dry                      125     650      425
               Tamarind                         900     900     •••
               Monkey-nuts                    8,000    1.500             1,600
               Musk                           6,000    7.500    1,500
               Aloes wood ,                   3,750    2.500             1,250
               Fraukinoense                   4,600    3.500    • ••     l,0CO
               Sandalwood chips               2,000     700              1,800
               Camphor «                       200      160     •••        60
               Gooraccoo                       400      300               100
               Cotton, damaged                1,250    1,500     250
                 n doth                      105,000  120,000  15,000
                 •r ' I, blue                60,000   15,000    •••     85,000
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