Page 408 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 408


                          Example I.—Supposing we Lave a tingle pearl weighing one Arab m-'skal=fnomirmlM
                       €6 habbalui, the sura is as follows*
                                                         Ch»o. Do Ira. Mc»oor. ,2, Bwnr.
                               (¥)* x = *¥* x =           320 70 00 00
                                                            3 26 70 00    correction.
                                                          329 96 70 00 = 330 chao roughly,
                                                               3 26 70    correction.
                                                          829 99 96 70 = 330 chao more correct!v.

                          Example IL—If we hive a pearl weighing ono habbah=nominally -fa miskal, the sum is
                      as follows
                                          Dokrm. lie soar. t]( Uctoot.
                               ft)* X      *07 50 to
                                                7 50 correction.

                                             7 57 50

                          Example III.—If we have a pearl weighing J miskal = (nominally) 16i habbah, the
                      sum is as follows
                      (3j3jf x 3J> — 1039 —   _ Cbao. Dotra. SIrzogr.  ntiiii Chao.
                                                   41  b7   ”60
                                                                       20 41  87 correction

                                              20    62   29   37 (ride Example III paragraph 5).
                         It will be observed, from the examples given, that the number of "cbao ” in a pearl works
                      out almost exactly the same by both the Indian and Arab methods of calculating it from their
                      respective standards of weight of the same denomination, or from equivalent sub-divisions of
                      their respective miskals.
                         7. With the dealers in pearls in the Persian Gulf four different miskals (convertible into
                     <ccliao ") are in use. The Indian weights are mostly osed by the Indian dealers in transactions
                     between themselves, or to calculate, for their private information, what will be a remunerative
                     price to pay here for a pearl or parcel of pearls intended by them for the Indian market, and for
                     which, after they have determined this to their own satisfaction, they will negotiate under the
                     Arab weights. Some dealers are conversant with only one or two of the standards of weight
                     and will do basiness with them only, others will trade with any standard of weigh' preferred by
                     the party with whom they desire to deal. The Bombay and Katr (Soratce) miskals (convertible
                     into “ chao **) are (in Muscat) those in most common use. The following are the four miskal
                     weights alluded to
                            Poona         widal  r=      68$ grains (English).
                            Bombay Basaree   do.   =  about  74  do.  do.
                            Bahrein Suratee   do.   =  about  150  do.  do.
                            Katr Suratee   do.   =  about  160  do.  do.
                     The Poona and Bombay weights are made of agate, the Arab weight* of brass.
                     In a full set of Indian weights there are the following:—
                                   1  five  midcal weight,
                                   2  two    do.   do.
                                   1 one     do.   do.
                                   1 half    do.   do.
                                   1 quarter do. do.
                                   1 three rati   do.
                                   1 two da.       do.
                                   1 one da.      do.
                     Por the half rati ttro large grains of wheat are ordinarily used.
                     For the quarter rati one do.         do.
                     For the | rati oue small grain of rice is used.
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