Page 438 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 438
TABLE No. *.
Return of Principal Articles of Imports to Buslire during tie year 1886.
1886. 1886.
Quantity. Vela*. Quantity. Vala*.
a a
Animals (Donkeys) , 400 16,000 • ••
Arms and Ammunition 350 packages 1,68,260 197 packages 21,900
Candles . • • . # 884 cwts. 27,050 368 cwte. 12,200
Coffee . * 603 „ 27,660 1,030 „ 29.000
Cotton Good8 12,516 packages 87,60,900 18,200 packages 51,22,320
Thread and Twist HI * 26,920 290 „ 59,600
Drugs and Medicines . 2,493 „ 1,34,520 1,880 „ 76.000
Dyeing and Colouring Mate
rials • . • . 534 „ 9,230 1,650 „ 18,200
Fuel 160,000 cwts. 84.000
Glass and Glassware . 1,768 packages 87,930 2,788 packages 1,24,100
Gold Embroidered Cloth 8 cases . 7,300 3 cases 4,400
„ Lace
„ Thread }• 1,512 Tb 63,270 2,612 lb 94,400
Grain and Poise 12,912 cwts. 65,600 6,399 cwls. 27,300
Hardware and Cutlery 156 packages 24.500 716 packages 54,150
Hides and Skins 343 cwts. 26.500 485 cwts. 20,070
Indigo . . . 3,845 „ 5,38,400 2,101 * 6,67,600
Jate, and Manufactures of 355 bales 13.000 586 bales 4(3,760
Liquors, Wines and Spirits 1,680 packages 28,700 666 cases 12,600
Metals 28,391 „ 5,8S,070 37,640 packages 9,03,200
» Manufactures of 829 „ 23,240 830 „ 59,250
Oil 3,976 cases 20,620 5,468 cases 28.060
Porcelain and Chinaware 837 packages 58.000 2,830 „ 1,81,510
Provisions and Oilman1
Stores • 8,023 „ 87,900 1,280 packages 44,180
Silk, Manufactures of « ■„ . 29,200 30 „ 48,200
Spices 8,535 cwts. • 1,33,980 7,995 cwts. 1,58,000
Stationery 158 packages 10,580 115 packages 17,370
Sugar, Loaf 34,705 cwta. 5,55,280 24,614 cwts. 6,13,300
„ Soft 57,073 „ 6,86,270 67,981 „ 7^5,550
Tea 1,122 „ . 1,34,640 MW „ . 2^1,460
Timber and Wood 2,364 pcs. and ; 44,540 / 1,572 pieces V 66,800
bdles. L, 10,500 rafters )
Woollen Goods . 353 bales . 4,10,670 742 bales >. 2^8,570
Other articles 1,73,930 2,26,700.
Total 80,61,660 99,06,760
Specie 2,11,570 56,420
GRAND TOTAL • ••••• 82,73,230 99,62,170