Page 444 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 444
TABLE No. 8.
Return <f Principal Articles of Export/You Ling ah during the gear 1886.
1886. 1885.
Quantity. Volt*. Quantity. Vafoa.
E fi
Canvas 614 cwts. 86,000 400 cwta. 28,000
Cattle • • 6,000 bead. 24.000 5,500 head. 22,000
Coffee 2,186 cwts. 68,100 2,536 cwts. 67.400
Coir and Coir-rope 3,16* „ 17,100 2,313 „ 12,500
Cotton Goods 2,406 bundles. 12.03.000 2,134 bundles. 10,66,800
Thread and Twist . . 531 cwts. 18.500 468 cwts. 16,300
Dates . . 18,081 „ 58,200 20,411 „ 65.700
Drugs and Medicines 1,357 „ 86,800 1,189 „ 30.900
Fruit and Vegetables 3,4S2 „ 42.700 3,392 „ 41.800
Fuel . 1,800 tons. 12.400 1,619 tons. 12,100
Grain and Pulse . 122,51*8 cwts. 5,76,300 1,46,049 cwts. 6,87,000
Hardware and Cutlery . 53 cases. 10.700 39 cases. 7,800
Hides and Skins , , 12,500 pieces. 13.500 5,778 pieces. 6,150
Lemons, Dry 74T cwts. 9.300 9CS cwfv. 12.400
Mats .... 14,700 pieces. 8.300 12,043 pieces. 6>800
Metals 25,008 24,200
„ Manufactures of 10.000 7,400
oa . 85.500 27.900
Pearls 25.61.000 81,20,000
Porcelain and Cliinaware 250 cases. 12,550 255 cases. 12.800
Provisions and Oilman’s 58.800 59,100
Salt 2,130 tons. 18.500 1,930 tons. 16,800
Seeds . . 2,170 cwts. 16.400 1,960 cwts. 14.800
Shells, Motber-o’-Pearl . 5y$S$ „ 70.000 10,718 „ 1,27,400
Silk, Manufactures of . 26.000 24^00
Spices 2,636 carts. 66.800 2,834* cwts. 72,600
Sugar Candy 11,300 380 „ 14.700
„ Loaf. f*> , 13,£00 823 * 4,300
„ Soft . 2^05 „ 46,800 o » 88.700
Tea . IW * 10,000 8,000
Tobacco 15,829 , 1,42£00 16,274 „ 1.46.900
/ 985 candies. \ 1,023 canfies. 82.800
Timber and 'Wood 21.700
\ 14,460 rafters. J 21,860 rafters.
Wollen Goods 70 bundles. 1.71.800 { 54 bundles. } 1.81.900
Other articles •••••• 1.58.800 1,54,700
Total 56,01,150 61,22,950
Spbcii 20,60,000 25,26,000
GRAND TOTAL . 76,61,160 86,48^50