Page 489 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 489
On tho 4th of March His Highness Seyyid Bar gash biu Sneed, Saltan of Zanzibar, arrived
for the benefit of his health, hut after a profitless stay of mors than a week at Gala, near
Uoshcr, roturned to Muscat, and left for Zanzibar on tho 17th of March at the recommendation,
of the Civil Surgeon, whom ho bad consulted about his disease. He lived only six hoars after
his return to Zanzibar, and, the news of his death having been received on the 80th of March,
general mourning was observed for three days. During his short stay here the late Saltan of
Zanzibar mado a present of £50,000 to his brother Seyyid Toorki.
The Resident visited Muscat on the 9th of Jane, and a second time in Jnly, on the occasion
of Seyyid Ibrahim’s capture of Soweik.
Official changet.—Lieatenant-Colonel S. B. Mites, on being appointed Political Resident at
Udaipur, handed over charge to Lieutenant-Colonel E. Mockler on the 16th of April; and the
latter, on proceding to Bagdad on special duty, handed over charge to Surgeon-Major Jayakar
on the 26th of February.
Slave Trade.—On the 22nd May 1887, the boats of Her Majesty’s Ship Kingfisher seized
a 8lave-dow off Muscat, which was brought in for adjudication. There were four slaves on
board, but they were ail landed at Kurryat before the seizure. A court was held on the 25th
and the dow was condemned.
The number of fugitive slaves that sought redress or freedom at this Consulate during the
year was 37, of whom 28 bave been liberated under the provisions of the Treaty of 1.87S, and
9 were dismissed.
A. S. JAYAKAR, Surgeon Major,
In charge of Political Agency, Muscat.