Page 532 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 532


                      Controlled Statement liotoiig tie Value and Dcecriplion of Goode imported into Muecat.
                                        Estiuatk for tiib txar 1887-88.

                                                    For tiir ootcial tbar
                                                                      In cron bo In   Doc roue In
                   From           Articus.                            1887-88.  1887-88.
                                                     1888-87.  1887-88.
                                                    Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.

                       Rice, Bengal                  620,000  530,000  10,000    • ••
                       . „ Malabar                    1,000    1,200     200     • ••
                        „ Red                         .1,200   1,400     200
                       Wheat                          9,000   10,000    1,000
                       Bajree                           300      250               60
                       J owaree                       .7,000   8,000    1,000
                       Dhall                            800    1,000     200
                       Sngar                          45,300  53,000    7,700
                       Sugar Candy                    .1,350   1,300               50
                       Jaggree                          250     250
                       Coffoe                         85,000  40,000    5,000
                       Tea                              160      250      100
                       Pepper                          2,000   2,200     200
                       Turmeric                        1,200   1,300      100
                       Cardamoms .                     1,100   1,200      100
                       Cinnamon ,                      2,100   2,400     300
                       G’mger, dry »                    100      120      20
                       Nutmegs ,                        250      250
                       Betelnuts                       1,200   1,100               100
                       Cocoa nuts, fresh                450      500      50
                          »>   dry                    . 800      900      100
                       Tamarind                        1,000   1,200     200
                       Monkey nuts                    .2,000   2,200     200
                       Musk     • •                   .9,000   8,COO             1,000
                       Aloes wood •   .                3.000   5,000    2,000
                       Frankincense                   2.000    2,300     800
                       Sandalwood chips .              1,200   •1,300    100
                   G   Camphor       .                  250     250
                       Gooraceo ,                       850      400      50
                       Cotton, damaged .               1,500.  1,600      100
                             doth                    180,000
                         it                                   190,000  10,OOC
                         „ blue                       22,000  21,000             1,000
                       Turkey red •                   30,000  28,000             2,000
                       Handkerchiefs, Coloured        1,800    2,000.     200
                       Chintz    .   ,                7.000    8,000      100
                       Twist    «                     15.000  18,000    3,000
                       Cotton yarns   .               25.000  20,000-            6,000
                       Broad cloth •   .                400      500      100
                       Shawls and Loongies              600      700      200
                       Silk                           12,000  15,000    3,000
                        „ Goods  ' *•   •             4,600    4.500               100
                       Gold Thread.   •               8,500    8.500    • ••
                       Hemp      .   ,                2,000    2,iOO      100    • ••
                       Twine     .   .                  100.     150      60
                       Gunnies   .   ,                  760    1,000     250
                       Rope Coir   •                    500      700      200
                       Copper                         4,000    4,200      200
                       Tin and Lead                   1,750    1,800      60
                       Steel   . •                      160      350      200
                       Brass                          . 450.     600      50
                       Iron-ware  .                   2,000    1,900    • ••      • 100
                       Indigo                         . 600.     650      60
                       Oil, Sweet, and Coooanuta      12,000.   11,000           1,000
                        „ ILerosine   .   ,            5,500  14,000    8,500
                       Candles   «       •  •           150      160      10
                       Oil seeds   .     . .            100     150       50
                       Ganja (flax seeds) .   .         600      609      100
                       Sulphur   .   *                  250      350      100    • ••
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