Page 602 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 602
and Shaikh Jasim took placo in tho house of Mohammed Bin Abdul Wahhab.
Jasim came, attended by a force of about six hundred armed men on foot, and
sixty or seventy horsemen and camel riders, t many of whom carried Henry-
Martini rifles, which were ready loaded. The Mutyserrif had only his personal
attendants with him, the Turkish soldiers being within their fort A Bccond
interview of a more private description occurred at Shaikh Jasim’s residence,
and on this occasion the. Muteserrif informed Jasim that Katr being Turkish
territory His Excellency desired to introduce a proper administrative Bystem,
and establish a custom house. Jasim opposed these measures, and threatened
to resign his office of Kaim Makam if the Muteserrif persisted, on which the
latter asked for a written resignation, which Jasim at once furnished.
It appears that Jasim complained of the want of support ho received from
the Turkish Government, especially with reference to his coercion on certain
occasions by British authority. He also handed over to the Muteserrif all the
correspondence with the British authorities.
Attempts of the Turkish authorities to establish quarantine at El-Bidaa
were opposed and prevented by Shaikh Jasim.
In October, messengers from “ Ibn Rashid,99 Emir of Shammer, arrived in
Katr, bearing a present for Shaikh Jasim, consisting of horses, mares, and camels.
It appeared that Ibn Rashid’s object was to induce Jasim to operate against
the Almorrah Bedouins, whose conduct has displeased him.
The principal raids and counter raids between Katr and Oman have been
mentioned under the previous, heading. There seemed reason to believe that
Jasim had become somewhat weary of the strife and would welcome mediation
for peace. The Chief of Bahrain was moved to sound him, but the result was
One piracy attended by loss of life was committed off the Katr coast
on a Bahrain boat, the culprits being of the Beni Hajir, residing in Katr.
Shaikh Jasim recovered the property plundered, but the robbers were not
arrested. The Chief of Bahrain has not considered it expedient to press the
matter further.
The Emir Mohammed " Ibn Rashid” exercises paramount authority over
all Nejd. In the autumn Abdallah-bin-Eeysal was permitted to return to
Riadh, but later it was reported that both Abdallah and his brother, Abdur
Rahman, had died at Riadh. Needs not to be said what impression this
The Muteserrif or Governor of EI-Hasa, Akif Pasha, is energetic in his
administration, and his active measures have greatly repressed robberies of
caravans by the Bedouin tribes. A notorious freebooter known as Ibn Rezey-
zan was surprised and put to death between Ojair and El-Hasa.
8everal robberies of boats lying in Kateef Harbour occurred during
the year, for which, of course, no redress could be obtained.
The Government of Pars has remained in the bands of His Royal Highness
the Motemid-ed-Dowlah, with Haji Naseer-el-Mulk as his “ Pishkar.”
8hahzadah Nowzer Mirza having resigned the Government of Dashti and
Dashtistan, Mohammed Hasan Khan Sirteep was appointed to the vacant post.
Those districts were, during several months, in a disturbed state, owing to
feuds between local Chiefs, notably those of Borazjan and Angali.