Page 626 - PERSIAN 3 1883_1890
P. 626
TABLE No. 1.
Return of Principal Articlei of Export from Butkire during the year 1889.
QuaaUty. Tiloa QnMUtj.
Animals (hones) • 177 26.650 402 60,800
Cattle .... 4.000 bead 8,000 8,000 head 6,000
Cotton (raw) . , 20,228 cwta. 11.60.750 36,078 cwta. 6,14,840
Cotton goods . . 141 pkgca. 88.760 100 pkgoa. 20,680
DltM .... 20,830 cwta. 70.470 18,183 cwta. 62,160
l>rcgs and medicines 1.744 „ 48,820 1.428 „ 83.220
Dyeing and coloring materials 085 „ 8,480 1.888 w 20,010
Prnit and vegetable . 18.400 „ 2,39,800 16.647 u 1.79,000
Grain and poise • . 2,16.618 „ 8,41.740 1,62,222 „ 6,74,550
. -J •
Gum • • • 7.478 57,330 14318 „ 1.18.160
Hides and skins . . 828 pkgca. 63.760 693 b'dlca. 49.470
Metals (copper) . • 2,041 cwta. 1,42^70
Opium . , . • 3,386 chests 83,86.000 2,200 ebesta. 22.00,000
Pearls .... 13,000 19,000
Perfumery , . . 11,504 cases ] 1,99370 [ 8,255 cases 1,40,220
9,-107 csrboyo }
12.CG3 carboys
Previsions and oilman.itores 6,025 pkgca. 1,01,030 4,366 pkgca.: 80,600
Seeds .... 7,784 certs. 43.810 7,417 cwta. 53,030
6ilk (raw) 122 72,300 191 1.07.010
Tobacco . • 25,556 „ 4.62,710 31,034 w 6.71320
Wool . . . • 6 350 1,42,680 7.958 „ 1,27.300
Woollen goods (carpots) . 4GS pkgca. 3,03,750 652 bales 2,20300
Other articles 2,51,650 1,00,710
Total 76,45,160 66,01360
Specie 6,06,470 3,63,320
GRAND TOTAL 80,51,630 59,64,630
TABLE No. 2.
Return of Principal Articles of Imports into Bu shire during the year 1889.
183a. 1BEB.
Am ci]
Quantity. Value. Qam'ltj. Tali
fi E
Arms and ammunition 457 pkgea. 69.470 115 pkgea. 20,050
Candles .... LK8 cwta. 73,700 763 cwta. 30.180
Coffee .... 230 14.300 ?*7 „ 35.340
Cotton goods . 20,498 pkgea. 61,61,203 15,607 pkgts. 47,14.950
Thread and twist . 461 , 1,15^00 330 VH.400
Drugs and medicines 2,781 „ 95,£» V42 . 04,190
Dyeing and coloring materials 424 „ 8.470 373 7,650
Foal 28,044 cwta. 25,500 41,450 cwta. 20,960
Glia and glassware 2,098 pkgea. 90^20 5,461 pkgea. L21.620
Gold lace . .
Gold thread . . } 3» 254»0 6S 4^200
Grain and pulse . 1.449 ewt«. 10,780 8,144 cwta. 86,660
Hardware and cutlery 805 pkgee. 98,670 345 pkgea. 66,390
Indigo . 4,383 cwta. 7,31,500 1,702 ewta. 8^4,900
Jute, manufactures of 1,267 pkgee. 63,730 951 pkgcs. 68^80
Liquors, winee and spirits 1417* „‘ 37,420 U36 » 28^20
Metals . 43.606 cwta. 11.78,970 15,247 cwta. *,46^00
Metals, manufactures of _ 485 pktrea. 234320 441 pkgea. 24,740
oa .... 8,395 cwta. 6A370 9^4 carta. 77.7®
Porcelain and China ware . 1,321 pkgea. 1,67J9I0 1.495 pkgesL 1,17,610
Provisions and oilman-stores 64«6 „ 40.77® 4,452 „ 64j6®
Bilk, manufacture of 36.600 70 .. 88600
« w
8pioa .... 6,325 ewta. 1,87,9)0 6,85* cwta. IfiG&O
Stationary 108 pkgea. 14,850 169 pkgee. 26,250
Sugar, loaf . 84,054 cwta. 6.44.870 7,68* cwta. h*Oj670
Sugar, soft . 48,869 „ 6.82.870 80^46 * 8&J090
Tea 8.856 „ 8,77,930 .2,163 „ 2.11P60
Timber and wood 67,840 2*690
Woollen goods 202 pkgee. 8,68.270 825 pkgea. 2,61,1®
Other trades • • • 8,92,840 1,94,400
Total 1*15,80,410 78.QMS0
Specie 2*.160 IJSfiTO
GRAND TOTAL 1.1*08,670 81^6^00