Page 6 - Bahrain Gov annual reports(V)_Neat
P. 6
The Bahrain Government Annual Reports 1924-1956. First published by Archive
Editions, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, England.
© Archive Editions, 1986.
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism
and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Bahrain government annual reports.
1. Near East-Social conditions
I. Title
956\03 HN656.A8
ISBN 1-85207-040-4
ISBN 1-85207-041-2 v. I
ISBN 1-85207-042-0 v. II
ISBN 1-85207-043-9 v. Ill
ISBN 1-85207-044-7 v. IV
ISBN 1-85207-045-5 v. V
Reports for the years 1924-1946 are reprinted by agreement with the British Library from
originals in the India Office Library & Records, London.
Reports for the years 1947-1955 (except 1951) are reprinted from originals in the possession
of Mr Robert Belgrave.
Reports for 1951 and 1956 are reprinted by courtesy of the Foreign & Commonwealth
Office Library, London.
Publication is made with the approval of the Ministry of Information, State of Bahrain.
Publisher’s note
The publication of the Bahrain Government Annual Reports 1924-1956 presents the complete
series of reports compiled by Sir Charles Belgrave, Adviser to the Ruler of Bahrain, between
1926 and his retirement in 1957. In the interest of bibliographical completeness the scries
includes the first ever report prepared in 1924 by the British Political Agent, Major Clive
Daly, and the second report prepared by Belgrave retrospectively for 1925.
Volume I has been reprinted from possibly the only surviving text, a set of typescript carbon
copies in poor condition. By careful printing every attempt has been made to enhance the
legibility of these early reports.
The page size of the subsequent printed reports has been reduced in this edition to c.80%
of the original size.
Printed by Redwood Bum Ltd., Trowbridge, and bound by Green Street Bindery, Oxford.