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                                     Journal of the American Oriental Society, 90.3 (1970)
              rrplv to request for permission to apply c.izyc. military.11* If this were griicrdly the rase it might
              (poll tax on non-Muslim subjects) funds to reno- explain the absence of references to timariote
              vate a mosque in Lah.sii and thirty of the 110 military units; fiefs were u>ed in the province pri-
              shops the rent from which was to maintain the rnarily in lieu of higher salaries or as a matter of
              mosque,  114 As in other provinces of the empire, a extraordinary merit or favor, perhaps with no
              special office  was  provided for the maintenance expectation that the fief holder would raise and
              and accounting of the evkaf-i haremeyn, evkaf dedi­  equip fighting men from the income of the fief.lM
              cated to the welfare and upkeep of the Holy       From the beginning in Labsi the Ottoman ]
              Cities.111                                      government made willing use of local volunteers
                 In addition to the usual taxes such as *u$r levied to supplement the regular janissary army. Initi- \
              on vaklf land the central government also claimed ally, the men were recruited from the Basra \
               all income from vaklf properties in excess of the Volunteer Regiment.141 Later, the Bagdad Volun- 1
               income of that property stipulated in the original teers may have been used in Lahsa as well.182
               vaklf deed. In 155S this zevaid., as it was called,   A report written in 1560 stated that it had been •;
               amounted to 112,000 ak$e in the province of usual (kadimden) to keep 300 volunteers on the \
               Lah s5.m                                       books in Lahsa but that because of insufficient •
                                                              funds in the Lahsa treasury the rolls had been cut -5
               The army                                       by eighteen; this had been made up by the'J;
                 The Ottoman army organization of Lab-si was   district officer of 'Uyun who had himself carolled )
               from the beginning made up of two main groups, eighteen.113 This figure is the only indication I)
               both of them salaried: the local recruits, or Volun- have in thc documents for the number of volun- -
               teers (gdnulluUr) and the janissaries, who are also   teers employed. There is no reason to suppose
               referred to in the documents as the boluk halkl or  that the figure was drastically altered either way I
               but (d’ifesi. A third distinctive group, the 'azeb ^eas^ through the sixteenth century.      ^
               (d'ifesi, here infantry archers, may have seen   Reference is made to the Ci§§e Volunteers,114 the -j
               service in Lahsa in the sixteenth century; there is
                                                                 141 Huseyn b. 'AbdullAh, given a 32,000 akqclik ze'amel
               no mention of them among the documents which    in 060/1552-53. (Maliye'den 17G42 p. 715). I take this to
               date from the seventeenth century. These groups be the same I.Iuseyn b. ’Abdullah mentioned as com- j
               were supplemented by members of such specialist mandant (Huzddr) of the LahsA fortress in M 3:1122 (21  1
               units as the gunners and the musketeers (topfular,   bin 967/b May 15*30).            .
                 .....                                           ,4J AH nefs mentioned m the documents are ze ametler.
                U ^ r                                         Two men from the janissary corps (kutlar taifeei) were. '
                 One finds scarcely any mention of sipahiler, or  given nefs, as was the son of Mehuiet Pa^a, the governor '
               fiefholders, in the mobilization orders or battle  general of LahsA. For these and others see Maliye'den'"
               reports.157 Many of the fiefs referred to in the   17642, pp. 713-19.
                                                                 Ul Early in 1552, Mehmed Bey, district officer of ,
               documents were given to officers, both civil151 and
                                                               LahsA, requested permission of the Imperial Council to'
                                                               ask for 50 volunteers (’ifotiyArlariyle) from among they
                 ,w M 47:366, 21 CE 900/13 June 15S2. A vafci/set up  Basrah Volunteers Regiment to accompany him to*
               by the brother of Mehmed Papa, governor general of  LahsA. This request, like the one shortly after for sup-.<
               LahsA in 959/1551-52. Permission was granted, provided  plies (retire) to supplement the volunteers’ cash allow-^j
               that renovation did not conflict with the original terms  ance, "was granted; Ko&u-i SS8: 102, 112, 7 RE 959/iq
               of the vakif.                                   March 1552, 14 RE 959/11 March 1552.        A
                  ;;; ^ ^y1’1 3: P- lti7b. 22 Safer 983/2 June 1575.   »«* M 22:631, 15 CE 9SI/12 September 1573. “. . . It ia3
                  lM * 3.49, 18 Ramazan 966/24 June 1559.     expected that the following troops will be required from*
                     ne brief reference to an individual timer holder Bagdad: 500 janissaries from the Right Wing Division,
               JJ         ^         Bahrein campaign; M 3:1632,   200 mounted volunteers from the Right Wing Volunteers
                  iu        November 1560.                     Division...” It is not clear, however, whether the
                , .   0 head tax officer of the province (’emln-i volunteers were to serve in LabsA or Basra.   'j
                umerul ) was given a 30,000 aJ^clik ze'amel (M 3:1632,  ,u M 3:1126, 21 $a’bAn 967/17 May 1560.
               22 Safer 968/12 November 1560).                   IMM 43:568, n.d. (988/15S0-81).
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