Page 18 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 18


              crises. Such instances were, for example, the Dhofar con­
              flict, which was transformed into an ideological war of li­
              beration by external influences, and the traditional tensions
              between the Sultan, whose attention was focused on the
              outside world, and the tribes of Inner Oman under the
              leadership of the Imam. Although this conflict was official­
              ly resolved, with the aid of the British, in the Sultan’s fa­
              vour in 1959, it did in fact continue nonetheless.
                   The opening up of the country in 1970, instigated by
              the Sultan’s son, Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur, who seized
              power in a bloodless Palace Revolt, marks a decisive turning
              point in the modern history of Oman. On the basis of oil
              earnings an extensive development programme was rapidly
              drawn up and the work was started. By 1975, 176 schools
              and 58 hospitals had been built, a nation-wide telephone
              and radio broadcasting network installed and about
              2,000 km. of asphalt roads constructed.
                   An administration, modern in its conception and its
              organization, and encompassing all parts of the country,
              was already functioning in 1974 and contributed greatly
              to reducing the traditional inter-tribal tensions and the re­
              sentment the tribes harboured against an encroaching cen­
              tral government.
                   The Sultan’s policy, determined by fundamentally
              patriarchal sentiments, was inspired by the concept of an
              Omani nationalism shared by all sections of the country’s
              population, and by the consciousness of an Omani nation.
              The various comprehensive measures undertaken for the
              development of the country served this goal, which is cur­
              rently being discussed and generally accepted as a prerequi­
              site for the successful modernization and development of
              all Third World countries. In Oman it was also recognized
              that not only economic and infrastructural innovations
              were sufficient to ensure the long-term success of this poli­
              cy, but that an ideological basis needed to be developped.
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