Page 117 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 117

Part V—Chop. XXV.               95
             12.  To provcut any dolay in tho communication o£ the decision of Ilia Excellency
          Ibrahim Panha that can bo avoided, Captain Sadlier has boon directed, in tho event of his
          being ennbled to do bo, to join you on your arrival in tho Gulpli and doliver to you any
          despatches bo may have received from Ilia Excellenoy to tho address of this Government,
          and also to communicnto to you such information of Ilia Excellency's designs as be may
          havo obtained for tho regulation of your couduct.
             13.  You will pcrcoivo that, undor tho viowa of the Suprorao Government, the possession
          of any othor placea than Ras-ul-Kliima by tho Turkish force, has not been contemplated, nor
          aro you, without further instructions, to facilitate tho placing nny othor of the piratical
          porta undor Ilis Excollonoy’s authority.
              14.  Until Bomo decision be foimcd respecting tho disposal of Ras-ul-Khima, it would not
          appear advisable to demolish tho town, nor even its defences, beyond what may be the effect
          of your oporationa to reduoo it.
              15.  In the communications whioh passed between Captain Sadlier and tho Imam of
          Muscat you will porceivo that His Highness expressed some degree of reluctance in co-operating
          with the Turkish force in tho reduction of Rasselkhiraa ; but whatever muy be the wishes
          of tho Turkish Government with respeot to the ultimate possession of that pluee, or the
          motives by which tho Imam was disposed to withhold his co-oporation with those troops,
          thero seems no probability that nny portiou of them will be brought into contact with those
          of His Highness, which consequently will remove all tho objections to a hearty co-operation
          with you, which his inclination would, tho Governor in Counoil is disposed to believe, other­
          wise most readily leads him to undertake.
             10. Besides the principal port of Ra«sul-Khima, there are several ports contiguous to it
          from Rumysto Abbo Hoyle as laid dowu in tho chart, now transmitted t > you, the maritime
          force of which, as appertaining to tho same piratical state, or by acting in concert with it,
          may be considered equally objeots for consideration. If therefore after securing tho possession
          of Ras-ul-Khima you shall learn that any piratical vessels aro at either of those places, you
          will proceed to each of them respeotivoly, and exert your host endeavours to burn or other­
          wise destroy them.
             17.  It has not been distinctly nscertiinod whether either of those places have recently
          submitted to tho authority of Ibrahim Paoha, but should any of them at the time of your
          arrival bo iu possession of tho Turkish troops, any operations against them should of  coursa
          bo avoided, unless any of tho piratical vessels may have taken shelter within them and are
          without the reach of 6uoh troops.
             18.  In addition to the porta above described on the Arabian Coast, it is understood that
          tho inhabitants of tho part of Lingua and other places on the Persian shore have iu a
          certain degree identified themselves with the Joassmeo and havo committed depredations on
          the trade.
             19. Tho instructions to Mr. Jukes, who, as you aro already apprized, has proceeded to
          the Gulph, and the letters with whioh he has been charged, copies of which accompany this,
          will explain to you the proceedings which have beoa adopted iu respect to those places, and
          though from the date they bear no reply can yet be expeotod from the Prince of Sherans to
          the invitation transmitted to Ilis Highness, it is hoped that the explanations afforded to
          him of the real objects of our solicitude, even shoald His Highness hesitate in co-operating
          with the force under your commands in their destruction, will obviate any inclination ho
          might otherwise feel to oppose your operations against the piratioal force that may be found
          within them.
             20. The reply of His Highness to the letter addressed to him on this subject will
          probably reach you before you shall be prepared to proceed to the Persian shore, and you
          will in a certain degree be regulated by it in your intended operations, but in any case you
          mutt not hesitate in proceeding to the destruction of the pirates on that side of the Gulph   i
          wherever you may ascertain them to exist, taking care to proceed in all such cates with the
          utmost practicable respect towards the undisputed rights of His Persian Majesty, the ally
          of our august Sovereign, and to cause it to be fully explained to such of the officers of the
          Persian Government with whom, in the course of events, you may be brought in communication
          that the British Government has no other object than to protect the commercial intercourse
          with the coast of Persia and other ports of the Gulph, and to-free it from the obstructions
          and losses to whioh it has too long been exposed from the predatory aots of the piratioal tribes,
          without the slightest intention of occupying any part of the territory, or to molest or anuoy
          any one of His Persian Majesty’s loyal subjects, who in oonsideratioa of the friendly relatious
          existing between the two countries, it is our earnest desire to oborieh and protect.
             21. The ports to whioh the pirates resort in addition to Lingua aro specified in the
             22. You will receive herewith a triplicate of a letter from the President to the Prinoo
          of Sherans, whioh it is loft to you to forward, or to make such other use of, as circumstances
          may rehder expedient. A translation of that letter forms an enclosure to the instructions to
          Mr. Jukes and a Persian oopy is enclosed, the possession of whioh will enable you to make
          •uoh communication to tho local authorities as may proolude the possibility of any mis-
          constructions.of the views entertained by the British Government iu the course of yuur
          proceedings against tho piratical force in question.
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