Page 123 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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Part V—Chap. XXV.             101
              thought desirablo to introduce into tho Persian Gulf, I should feel obliged by your communis
              eating tho rosult of any conforoncos you may hold with tho Persian Government, and promotive
              of the objeota detailed in this despatch, to that officor, who. will readily attend to any sugges­
              tions you may have to offer, connected with tho formation of those ulterior arrangements
              for the extirpation of pirnoy, in whioh tho acquicsoonoo of tho i'orsian Government may be
                  207A, A copy of tho abovo despatch was also sent to Major-General Sir
                                            W. G. Koir, K.M.T., with the following
                  Volume 49 qf 1820-1821, page 85.
                 2. You will be pleased to avail yourself of a (it opportunity of making a communication
              to tbo Sheikh of Bahrein, in tho ovont of tho island not having boon roduoed by the Persians,
              to tho effect of tbo suggestions oontained in the paragraph of the despatch in question.
                 8. The 4th and 7th paragraphs inclusive of that despatch have reference to the arrange­
              ments to be formed for the fuluro oontrol of the port of Kassnlkhima in the efficienoy of
              which the Governor in Council chiefly relies for putting an immediate check to piraoy and
              in compelling tho othor tribes whioh have dirootly or indirectly followed or promoted it to
              abandon the further proseoution of it. You will require from the chieftain who may be
              plaoed in authority iu tho prinoipality of Seir our obligation to the effect of the suggesstions
             oontained iu those paragraphs.
                 4. By the 8th paragraph you will perceive tho nature of the relations which it appears
              to the Governor in Council to bo expedient that wo should form with the Imaum of Muscat,
              and you will tonder to His Highness whatever assietauoe he may require for the purpose of
              rendering his maritime force more effloient to be employed in co-operation with our ships of
             war and cruisers for maintaining the futuro tranquillity of the Gulf, ou whioh the security
             and prosperity of His Highness's oxtonsivo commercial concerns so much depends.
                 6. The 9th and 11th paragraphs relate to the interests of Persia, and you will be guided
             in the prosooution of your operations or your negotiations with the ports and islands which
             may be disposed to acknowledge its allegianoe by the communications you may receive from
              the Envoy of Tehran.
                 6.  Should yon however have been compelled to proseoute hostilities against any ports on
             the Persian side of the Gulf or any islands which may have thrown off their dependance
             on Persia sinoe the ascendancy of the Wahabee's power, you will transfer suoh as you may
             reduoe, or may voluntarily surrender their boats and consent to acknowledge the supremaoy of
             Persia to the Sheikh of Bushiro as dependencies on that Government.
                 7.  You will observe from the 13th paragraph that it is the intention of the Governor in
             Counoil to reduoe the force under your command and to return it to the Presidency at as
             early a period as practicable after tho main objeota of your instructions shall have been
             accomplished, leaving, as you are authorized to do, one battalion of Native infantry and a
             detail of artillery should you judge it necessary at Kishma or any other eligible island until
             further orders with the view of overawing the Arab tribes and enforcing by the presence of
             such a body of troops in the Gulf those arrangements whioh are to be formed for its future
                 8.  You will be so obliging as to submit this despatoh to the perusal of Captain Collier.

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