Page 259 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 259

Part Vl-Ohap. XLVII.           237
           together with the decided tono of opposition adopted by Sheikh Syud bin
           Tali nun, tended greatly to restrain the Wahabis. His Excollcncy hastened
           to Sohar, placed tlic fort in a state of defence, and assumed a bostilo attitude.
               Aftor somo display of hesitation, the plan of attacking Batinoh was
           abandoned, and a scrios of negotiations entered upon, which ended in a treaty
           of alliance, offensive and defensive, between Syud Sowoyni and Abdulla bin
           Fysul, whereby the Muskat Government agreed to pay to tho Wahabi Amir
           an annual tribute of 12,000 crowns, besides arrears to the extent of 60,000
           crowns, and the usual supply of provisions and stores. The Wahabi likewise
           pledged himsolf to assist itis Exeollenoy in every hour of difficulty ; and the
           boundaries of tho dominions of cither romainod as heretofore.
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