Page 313 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 313

Part VII—Chap. LXVIII          291
            received °n answor to that letter only on the 10th ultimo; until an answer was received it
            will bo obvious to you that I could not enter on any repairs to this Residency since to have
            done so would have boon to defeat one of the reasons I urged for romoving tho Residency to
            another situation. I mention this to obviato auy misapprehension as to the cause of my not
            putting tho Residency hero iuto a habitable atato for myself and my Establishment during
            the summor season.
               2. I bog also to npprizo you that my rosidonco during the summer away from Head-quarters
            which wore uninnabitanlo, was not intcudod by mo co form auy grouud lor deputation
            allowanco, whethor l lived at Khoormooj or at Karrak, or anywhere else, and that my
            residence at Karrak although I stayed thcro to be nearer to my Gulf duties, was considered
            by myself ns private.
               3.  For tho same reason that I did not myself inhabit Bushire, I loft it optional with all
            others of my Establishment to stay there or not, excepting thoso who were absolutely required
            to ha at Biiihirj, and ouo cljrk and one Mir/.a whom it was absolutely necessary
            to keep with mvsolf. My assistant and the surgeon wero written to officially to go to Bushhe
            or not just as they pleased ; for as 1 found that tho local business at Bushire would allow of
            boti> my assistaut and myself being generally absent, without any detriment to tho public
            service, I was unwilling to oblige my assistant and the surgeon to live in quarters so much
            in dis-repair as theirs wero, without an absolute necessity. This porrais>ion placed them also
            on the aamo private footing as myself if they ohoso not to stay at Bushire, but to go to
            Khoormooj, Karrak, or elsewhere. They selected Karrak for thoir suramai quarters, and
            although absent from tho Mcad-quart-rs, of courso drew no deputation allowance any more than
            myself ; and Government has approved uf my having given them their option. My assistant
            and myself nevertheless ran over to Bushire, sometimes for a week, sometimes for more, and
            on one'occasiou Mr. Kemball lived there for three weeks till he finisued the duty (negotiating
            Bills for monoy) on which he was deputed.
               4.  I sent as few of the guard to Bushire ns I could, not only because thoir quarters were
            in bad repair there, but because the Doctor having determined to stay at Karrak, it was better
            to keep as many of them near him in the unhealthy season, as could be left, without danger
            to the Treasury or Residency. Them were 18 men :hueforo of tho guard at Karrak—the
            other half being at Bushire. Public peons or ser/ant-iof any kind there are none allowed
            ou my Establishment; not oven a man to sweep the oflice.
               o. I have mentioned these circumstances with the view of showing he inaccuracy of the
            opinion of the Persian Ministers, communicated to me iu your domi-otficial letter dated the
            12th ultimo that I was staying at Karrak as Resident, and with all the pomp and eclat
            attached to the situation. My flagstaff at Karrak was struok in May, when tho flag
            itself was removed to Bushire, so that all tho requisites of pomp which I had kept at Karrak
            were one English clerk and one Arabic Mirza (but these you can easily believe could give
            me no pomp, and were only requisites f >r business) the flag, flagstaff, Treasurer, and
            Accountant’s Departments with all the records having been with half tho Escort sont to
            Bushiro and nil the rest of my Establishment left to go there or to auy other place they
            pleased, not very far from Head-quarters.
               6. Had I gone to Khoormooj I have littlo doubt that mv assistant and the civil surgeon
            would have stayed half tho summer there, iu visits to me and the other half at Karrak where
            they had the use of a tolerable bungalow.
              . 7. It is unnecessary to say anything on the subject of my having appointed a headman
            (Kcd Khoda) to the Islanders of Karrak, boyoud making a simple denial that so foolish an
            absurdity ever entered my imagination.
                574. The naval stores were removed from Karrak to Bassidorc in October*
            November 1842 (Commodore Lowe’s letter, dated 5th November 1842, to the

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