Page 42 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
P. 42

20                  Part I—Chap. vii.

                          had in prosecution of this intention to ropudiato the power and authority of the
                          Governor-General in that direction, appointed Sir Goro Ouseley Ambassador to
                          the Oourt of Teheran. These orders had been passed after the reoeint of
                          Lord Minto’s reference to the Foreign Ofilco on the subject of the future
                          control of our Persian diplomacy. So Malcolm had no othor alternative than
                          to bring hi9 mission to a close. Ho loft the Shah’s Camp on 23rd July  1811,
                          loaded with magnificent honors, having been created Honorary General in tho
                          Persian 6crvico, and bestowed a newly created Order that of tho Zion and Sun
                          He returnod by way of Baghdad and Basrah.


                             1762 7. D.
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