Page 51 - Gulf Precis(II)_Neat
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Part II—Chap. XI.              29

                                   CHAPTER XI.

                                        MASK AT.*
                71. The following correspondence on the subject of the attempt mado to   . 160
            ostabliali a FroncU Rcsidonoy at Maskat will bo read with interest:—  of 1803, pp, 6936-
                                Bombay Castle, 18th November 1808.

            Translation of a letter from Syed Seyf, to the Ilon’llc Jonathan Duncan, Governor of
                  Bombay, dated 12th Rcjcb or 29th October and received 14th November 1803.
               I have the plcasuro to inform your honour that I wrote two or three letters a little while
            ago to Captain Sctou commuuicating the occurrences and news of this place, particularly
           •the arrival of the French vessel and her departure, and the object of her coming for the
            Captain openly declared, their views were to establish a French Residency; to which the
            Imam replied he could not possibly permit a man to remain for that purposo and it should
            not be douo. Tho particulars of which were fully detailed in my former letter 4th Rcjeb
            which I despatched by dow belonging to Ahmed bin Mohammad Sooreo through the
            respectable Captaiu Scton to your Government, and I hope as this is now tho 12th it has ere
            this reached your illustrious presence and that you have perused and duly considered its
            contents. It is now the 12th Itejeb and the French vessel left this 27th Jamadee Sance. I
            have not as yet been able to learn where she is gone; by the last accounts that arrived nothing
            particular, thank God, has transpired, and wo are all here well and in perfect peace aud
               In regard to the operations of tho ‘W’ahabees, continual reports are coming in every day of
            the death of Abdul Azeez, the Head and Chieftain of that tribe. His’ brother was absent
            and he appointed his oldest son a Wahabcc who was with him at the time to succeed to his
            titles and the power of his dominions. This has occasioned a rupture between them, all
            cordiality has ceased, and the brother and the son of Abdul Azeez are now at daggers
            drawn. I hope to God they may not be again reconciled. This much has yet come to my
            knowledge wuich I thought it my duty to communicate for your information. I have in the
            next place to inform you that Syed Sultan is gone on sotne particular expedition with the
            victorious forces to Mekran where he will remain for tho space of 10 or 15 days and having
            succeeded in tho object of his views in that quarter will return to Muskat. Ho has appointed
            me in tho meantime to act for him in the administration of affairs in Oman and its depend­
            encies till his return from Mekran.

            Draft of a letter from the Hon'ble the Governor to Syed Sultaun Emaum of Muscat, dated
                                       21st October 1803.
                I have been favoured with a letter from Syed Seyf notifying the arrival of the French Secret and Poll,
            frigate Atalanta at your port. The probability of this event and the nomination of a Resident   No. 149
            by the French Government to remain in your country I communicated through Captain Seton 3* pp’
            who returned with the strongest assurances and promises on your part of resisting their
             settlement at your ports on any terms.
                These assurances were satisfactory and agreeable to mo in the highest decree, as they
             were cousonant to the Treaties existing between the two States ; and also to the advantage
            and woll-boiug of the Muscat State since, if the French obtain a footing at Muscat on any
             terms or iu any situation, all communication botweon Muscat and India must cease. It would
            bo extremely disagreeable should I be obliged (which God forbid I) to have recourso to this
             measure, but boing indispensable with a view to the safety of the ships and property of this
             state, it must however reluotaatly bo adopted, if the Fronch should bo allowed to obtain a
             footing at Muscat.
                21st October li03.
                      •See page« 23-29 of tho Gulf Bcoidonoy AdimuiitraUou Report for 1887—1888.
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