Page 102 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 102
itself (where some 250 Hawazin families are settled), down the
coast nearly to Musallamlyah, and for some distance inland. They
must be the ‘ Koweit nomads ’ who, Raunkiaer says, graze their
herds south of the town in winter and resort in summer northwards
to the districts round Zobeir, and also control the wells of Tawil.
There are also, however, Hawazin elsewhere, who have the same
sort of status, but are members of Huteim or Harb (e. g. in Jauf
cl-‘Amr, Teima, Sedeir, &c.); and there is a distinct Harb clan
of the name at Wadi el-Kheif near J. Fiqra (see Harb). The
Koweit Hawazin are partly pastoral, partly follow marine occupa
tions—pearl-diving and fishing. They are great breeders of camels,
often taking service (e. g. at Qatif) under alien masters for .
stud-labour. They are, subjects of Koweit, and form the bulk
of the Sultan’s fighting forces: it is due also to their activities
that he is able to claim Bubiyan Island, to which some of their ;
herd^nen resort. They are allied with the ‘Ajman, and number
some 4,000 souls. It appears that they are comparatively new
comers into Koweit territory, and their tradition is that they were
formerly with the Harb in East Hejaz. The one thing certain is
that they are regarded by Bedouins as of the same standing as :
Huteim or Sulubba, and credited with secret non-Islamic beliefs.
In fact, however, they are Maliki Sunnites. i
Tribe. Svb-Tribe. Clan.
Sherarat. 800 tents Fuleihdn
Ibn Hawi Ibn Hawi
Ibn Wardah Huleisah \
Ibn Duweiji
Ibn Wardah
Ibn Shushiln
Khayydli *
Beni Rashid. 1,000 tents N uwamisah
Duleim ibn Barak Ibn Nunxis
Salim ibn Simra Ibn Barak
i Nr. Ha’il Ibn Jelladdn
Ibn Damniuk
IbnSimri or Thiyabbah
i Mothabarah
: Khiydrdt
! , Qabid
i Suweidir