Page 16 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 16



                            50                       THE BEDOUIN TRIBES

                            gathered together at the same time—an exceedingly improbable
                            contingency in regions where there are no adequate means of
                            communication, and none but a loose tribal organization. Nor are
                            the conditions of pasturage and water-supply prevailing in the
                            Hamad suitable to large concentrations of men and animals. The
                            total number of camels among the Ruweihvh, ‘Amariit, Feckan,
                            and Siba‘ must be greater than in any other part of Arabia. They
                            cannot, all told, be reckoned at much less than an average of 50 to
                            a tent. The Wuld ;Ali are not so well supplied!, but they may
                            own about 20 to a tent. At this estimate the camel-herds of the
                            northern Anazah would touch a very large figure—some 000,000
                                                             DHANA MUSLIM
                                     Tribe.            I        Sub-Tribe.0          i            Cla n.
                          Ruweilah. 3,500 tents         Mur'idh, 500 tents           ! N«’»y
                            Sh. Nuri esh-Sha‘lan          Nuri    esh - Sha‘lan el-i Nuri’s tribe
                                                           Mur'idh                   | Zeid
                                                                                        ‘Arsan Abu Jizlah
                                                                                     : Meshiir
                                                                                     • Mn'abhil
                                                        Xuseir, 500 tents
                                                          Ibn Nuseir
                                                        Xa.-iir, 300 tents           i • Rad hiin

                                                          Munahi ibn Nasir
                                                        Dur'an, 300 tents
                                                          Salim ibn Maslat
                                                        Furjah, 500 tents            • Khudh^an Filitla
                                                          ‘Asaf el-Fureij            \ Ghazi el-Fuleita
                                                          ‘Arsan ibn Dughmi
                                                        Manciyi1                     i
                                                          Mani4 el-Khidhr
                                                        Ka'ka', S00 tents
                                                          Hayyan el-Ka‘ka‘ ibn
              :•:                                       Kaicakibah, 400 tents         Wokldn
                                                          Mani4 el-Kuweikib
                                                        M-$h itta% 150 t e nt s
                                                          Ibn Musheit
                          Muhallaf. 1,500 tents        ; A<$hja\ 450 tents            Mahayub
                            Ibn Ma*jil                    Qaslm ibn Ma‘jil             Bala'is
                            Ibn Majid                  | 'Abdillah, 400 tents
                            Ibn Jandal                    Mughathi ibn Majid
                                                        Suualmn, 400 tents
                                                         Favyadh ibn Jandal
                                                       i Budur% 2-300 tents
                                                       I Ibn Ma‘jil

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