Page 22 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 3
P. 22
Tribe. Hub-Tribe. Clu n.
1.S00 tents Qumussa, S00 tents Ressalln
Githwiin ibn Murshid Hamad ibn Aida
vSagr ibn Museirib
‘-•1 nurah
Shinan ibn Sheteiwi
'Ubidu, 1,000 tents Mohammed ibn »Sa*Id
Burjas ibn Hudcib M usika
Mubarak ibn Qiiadan
M uicuiqah
Fadhil ibn Muweini4
‘U^cil cl-Fiqlqi
Tribe. Sub-Tribe.
# 800 tents Shim lan •
• Sajir cr-Rafadi Madhya n
‘Uqeil ibn Madhyan
Buneyyah ibn Wuteif *
2. The Duleim.
The DULEtM are of mixed blood. According to their own tradition
t hey came out of Nejd into the Syrian Desert. They say that Thamir,
juld of the Duleim, and his brother Jabbar, jidd of the Jubur,
guided by a man of the Sulubba, occupied the wells of Muheiwir in
the Wadi Hauran. . *
They wander over the desert on either side of the Euphrates
from Eellujah almost to Anah, sharing the Eastern Shamlyah, the
Syrian Desert, with the ‘Amarat, with whom they are in close
alliance. They have cultivated ground in the Euphrates valley,
and rear large flocks of sheep which supply the Damascus market.
.*• Every winter the dealers come out across the Hamad, and, staying
each with his own Sheikh, purchase the season’s lambs, and drive
them home across the grassy steppe in the spring. The Duleim
arc not camel-breeders ; their supply is little more than sufficient
for their own needs. The Shammar of the Jezlrah are their enemies,
and there is constant feud between them and the Shiah tribes of
Iraq, such as the Bern Hasan, who pasture their sheep in the desert
found Kerbela. They are noted thieves, and have always given
trouble on the Euphrates high road, where they hold up every
unprotected caravan. In 1910 Nazim Pasha repressed them with
a stern hand, and during his brief administration at Baghdad
lavellers and merchants journeyed in security. 'Ali Suleiman, the
1^.11 amount Sheikh of the Duleim, was on terms of friendship with
• _cmal Pasha, who succeeded Nazim, and he has continued to court
ie tavour t?f the Ottoman Government. He owns a house and
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