Page 130 - A Hand book of Arabia Vol 1 (iii) Ch 4,5
P. 130
Weights and Measures
The weights in common use, according to Manzoni, are :
1 Oke (Oqah) = 1£ Kilogramme.
8 „ = 1 Faras.
= 1 Qantar.
45 „
300 „ = 1 Bukar (Bahar ?), for coffee only.
Another authority gives the following local weights :
(a) Weights in use at Mocha and Beit el-Faqih : ;
1 Qerat = 3-57 grains (troy).
16 = 1 Qaflah. i
10 Qaflah = 1 Oqiyah (Wekiyah), about 1 oz. avoir. :
1£ Oqiyah = 1 Bek. :
100 >> = 1 lb. troy.
(b) Larger weights in use at Mocha :
15 Oqiyah = 1 Rotl, or 1 lb. avoir. 125 grains.
40 33 = 1 Maund.
10 Maund = 1 Farasilah.
15 Farasilah = 1 Bahar.
(c) Larger weights in use at Beit el-Faqlh :
15 Oqiyah = 1 Rotl.
29 3 3 = 1 Maund.
— v
10 Maund = 1 Farasilah.
40 Farasilah = 1 Bahar.
Cotton is sold by Bahar of 450 lbs. avoir.
Coffee is sold at Beit el-Faqih by the following scale :
144 Oqiyah = 1 Rotl.
2 Rotl = 1 Maund.
290 Oqiyah = 1 Farasilah.
For all other articles : 15 Oqiyah = 1 Rotl, except for dates,
candles, and iron, when 16 Oqiyah = 1 Rotl.
According to Niebuhr and other authorities, the measure in!
common use is the Dhra‘ = 65 Centimetres.
1. Government
The government of Yemen is multiplex and variable. In the
Tihamah it is in the hands of the Turks, except in the territories of