Page 111 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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                                       No. 2.
         Return shoioing the import and export trade between Bombay and the
                          Persian Gutffor the year 1873-74.

                            I M PO B 38.             Exports.
            Yeas.                                                     Remarks.
                    Merchandize.  Treasure.  Total.  Merchandize.  Treasure.  Total.

                       22a.     J2a.    22a.    22a.     22a.    22a.                      (
         1873-71     10,98,103  29,17,003  70,13.111  83.07,070  10,71,765  93,79,725
               Bombay,                                 (S<1.) J. II. Grant,
          The 2Qth February 1875.  i                 Acting Commr. of Customs.

                                        No. 3.
         Statement showing imports into Kurruchee   Statement showing exports from Kurrachce to
        from Persian Gulf during the gear 1873-74.   Persian Gutf during the gear 1873-71.
                      ARTICLES.      Value.            ARTICLES.      Value.
                       Imports.       22a.              Ex POUTS.
        Animals, living               1,0!/)    Indian j>rcducc and manufacture.  22a.
        Apparel                        079
                                            Apparel                        015
        Cotton, raw                  19,011
                                            Cotton, manufactures of       •1,699
              piece-goods              90
                                            Drugs and medicines           3,515
                                            Grain and pulse               90,251
                    Drug* and medicines.    Hides and 6»ins               2,655
        Brimstone                     1,575  Indigo                      2,80,132
        Other sorts                   3,173  Jute, manufactures of        5,147
        Dyeing au>l colouring materials  0,173  Oils                      69,110
                                            Seeds, oil                    1,529
                   Fruit and vegetable*.    Spices                          70
        Other sorts               ... 3,53,790   Tea                       661
        Grain and pulse ...       ...   11,307  All other articles ...    7,614
        Hides and skinu           ...   10,956
        Provision and oilman stores  1,724                   Total    ... 4,59,458
        Seeds                         7,607
        Shells                        1,467
                                                     Foreign merchandixt.
                 Silk, and manufacture of.  Cotton, manufactures of...   ... 29,116
        Raw ...     ...   _   ...   ...  3,315  Liquors           ... 5,147
                                            Provision and oilman stores
        Piece-goods                  4,400                        ... 1,775
        Spices                        925   Metals, wrought           132
        Timber and wood, and manufactures of...   629  Sugar and other saccharine matter... 18
        Wool, raw                    14,575  All other articles   ... 3,317
         m manufacture of             631                                39.505
        All other articles ...   ...   ' ...  6,231
                                                                Total  ... 4,98,963
                            To!ai   ... 4,65,645              Treasure  ... 1,25,775
                         Treasure   ...   33,001
                                                            Grand total  ... 6,2-^738
                       Grand total ... 4,89,648

              Kurraciiek,                        (S<1.) W. T. Colb,
          The 1st August 1874.  }                       Collector of Customs.

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