Page 152 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
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                                               Part I.
                            ADMINISTRATION REPORT FOR 1S75-7G.
                       The several Governments, Chiefdmns, and territories generally,
                  which may he noticed in connection with the administration of this
                   Political charge are, for convenience of reference, classified as follows :—
                           ]. Oman—Under Sultan of Muscat.
                           2.  Oman—Petty independent Chiefdoms.
                           3.  Islands of Rah rein.
                           4.  Nejd and Kl Katr (Gnttur).
                           5.  Rassadorc (Rusiduh) British.
                           G. Government of l ars (Shiraz).
                       The portion of the Report referring to the Sultanate of Muscat has
                                           been prepared by the Political Agent at
                         Muscat, Onion.
                                           Muscat. The narrative of the political events
                   of the year will he found, as usual, unfortunately full of interest,   I
                   will only observe that throughout the several important crises which
                   have had place, the Political Agent has maintained strict neutrality, and
                   with the cordial aid and support of the Royal Navy Commanders  suc-
                   ces-fully ariwug.-d for the protection «»f British intercuts.

                                           Pl.'llY C’lIIi.rDOMS.
                                              Oman C».uf.
                       The places referred to under this heading are the townships
                   situated on what is known as the Pirate Coast (now quite a misnomer),
                   the .Sheikhs or Chiefs of which have engaged themselves to the British
                   Government to observe the terms of the maritime truce.
                       These trucial Chiefs arc—
                        1.  Harney d bin Abdullah of the tribe El Kowasim or Jowasim,
                   township Rat-iil-Khaimah,
                        2.  Ahmed bin Abdullah of the tribe Al-hu-Ali, township Umrn-al-
                   Gawain (Amulgavine).
                        3.  Rashid bin Ilamcyd of the tril>e Al-bu-Ali, township Ajnoan.
                        4.  Salim bin Sultan bin Suggurof the tribe El Kowasim, township
                        5. Ilashar bin Muktum of the tribe Al-bu-Falcsab, township
                        6. Zaeed bin Khalifah of the tribe Beni-Yas, township Abu
                    Zhabi.  Resides the above there is on the same coast the township of
                    Ilimrmah, the Chief of which is Seif bin Abdool Rahman. This place
                    was originally a dependency of Shargah but has seceded, and the Sheikh
                    is ^waW-indepeudent,
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