Page 19 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 19


                         BUSHIRE RESIDENCY FOR 1873-74.                   11
           On the Arabian Coast trade is almost exclusively in the hands of the
       Hindoo and Khojah communities.
           In Persia the merchants who have acquired great wealth are few,
       and with increased competition the number would scarcely increase.
           The famine of 1871 caused the failure of many cloth merchants of
           Trade between the Persian Gulf and India.—In previous reports
       statements drawn up from the records of the Custom Houses of Cal­
       cutta, Bombay, and Sind have been submitted showing the value of the
       import and export trade between those parts and the Persian Gulf.
       The latest of these was for the year 1868-69.
           Through the courtesy of the Collectors of Customs at the above
       Indian ports I have received similar information for the year 1869-70
      to 1S72-73 inclusive.
           This information is exhibited in the annexed Tables marked A., B., C.

           It must be borne in mind that the figures include the trade with

           Calcutta in former years drew large supplies of salt from the
      south coast of Persia through Muscat. This trade appears to have
      decreased from causes which it is probable are well known to the Depart­
      ment of Revenue and Commerce. The aggregate imports to Calcutta
      have decreased nearly by one-half in four years.

           The exports from Calcutta to the Gulf have kept tolerably steady
      for the same period and show latterly a slight increase. The chief
      articles being grain, indigo, silk, raw and manufactured.

           The Bombay trade with the Persian Gulf import and export has
      steadily decreased for four years. The same remark applies to the trade
      with Sind.
          Taking the aggregate of the three ports the total
            Imports from the Gulf for 1869-70 are ...  ... Rs. 1,38,88,437
            Exports                         • ••     • • •  „  1,38,25,373

           The equality being remarkable. For the year 1872-73 the figures
            Imports from Gulf     • ••               ... Rs. 86,68,673
            Exports     • •I                         ...   „   1,28,75,698
      The produce of Persia in Oman being less in the latter year.

           The total value of the trade between these three ports of India and
      the Gulf was—

            For 1869-70   ...     • ••               ... Rs. 2,77,13,810
               1872-73   • ••     • ••      • • %    ...   „   2,14,44,721
            Decrease    • ••      • ••     • •%           99   62,69,089
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