Page 367 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 367
nicnts to the British Government to submit to a certain control as
regards their maritime proceedings; otherwise they own allegiance to
none. The rulers of these little States are commonly described as the
"Tracial Chiefs” and arc— •
1.—Hameyd-bin-Abdallah, Jowasimce, Chief of Ras-el-Khei-
rna V.
2. —Ah med-bin-Abdallah, Al-bu-Ali, of Umm-el-Kawain.
3. —Itashid-bin-IIamcyd, Al-bu-Ali, of Ejman.
—Salim-bin-Sultan, Jowasimee, of Shargah.
5. —Hashar-bin-Maktoom, Al-bu-Falasah, of Dabai.
6. —Zaeed-bin-Klialecfali, Beui-Yas, of Abu-Zhabi.
7. These Chiefs continue to evince their sincere desire and readi
ness to adhere to their engagements, aud no disturbances have occurred
on the seas.
8. Inland, however, where British influence canuot be authorita
tively exerted to restrain their warlike propensities, these are freely
indulged, as the following record of the past year's petty warfare
will show.
.1 [ay 1S77.—One hundred camel-riders and fifty horsemen of the
El-Monasir and Beni-Hajir raid on a village named Zaeod, plunder it and
kill three men. The Moiiasir plunder another village.
•July.—Beni-Amir tribe attack Dabai, are repulsed with loss of forty
killed and eight captured, Dabai losing two killed and ten wounded.
Align'd.—The Beni-Katab, seventy strong, attack the Beni-Yas, kill
four men and capture twenty beasts.
September.— Beui-Katab attack a village near Abu-Zhabi, and kill
four men. Beni-Yas of Dabai attack and plunder a Bcni-Katab village.
October.—Four hundred of the Awamir and Daroowa, and Beni-
Katab attack and plunder a Dubai village. Beni-Yas of Abu-Zbabi
attack and loot a Beni-Katab village, carrying off 100 camels and 3,U00
bead of cattle. Beni-Katab attack Dibha (under Shargab) kill seven
men, and seize twenty camels.
November.—Dabai people plunder a Beni-Katab village.
December.—Beni-Yas of Dabai attack the people of Ghufla and
seize camels of the Beni-Katab. Beni-Katab retaliate and lose two men
February 1878.—Eighty men of the Beni-Katab raiding towards
Dabai, kill 6even Beloocbees of eight met.
9. In February all parties having become weary of strife, a general
peace was arranged, which still continues.
10. In the Report for the preceding year reference was made to the
trouble caused by the detached settlement of a body of the Beni-Yas
tribe at the inlet of Odcyd. The scceders from Abu-Zhabi renounced
allegiauce to the head of their tribe, and defied his authority. The