Page 124 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 124
TABLE No. 1-A.
Totnl Imports during the year* 1927-28, 1928-29 and 1929-30.
Corrcuxm. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30.
£ £ £
Singapore 30,974 !.*$■
Aden ... 2.570 2,943
Africa ... 5,304 6,481 12,850
India ... 293,402 258,589 214.99*
Persia ... 18,513 16,282 21,875
United Kingdom 13,878 20,710 19,374
United Slate* of Amexica 1,975 359 262
China ... 938
Other Countries 3,105 38,553 40,044
Total . 370,659 343,917 317,295
TABLE No. 1-B.
Principal Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1927-28, 1928-29 and 1929-30.
QcA.vnrr. Valcx.
1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30.
£ £ £
Bt Stkaxtxs.
Rice Ton* 3.914 2.443 2,107 70,767 40,013 34,081
Wheat 205 148 90 1,814 1,080
Wheat Flour 604 563 247 3,177
Other Grain* 67 74 89 572
Seed* . Pkg*. 82 41
Paivis and CcJovr*.
Paint* Pkg*. 44
Wars* (Ochre) •• 58 99
Sh&rkfins Pkg*. 4
Biscuit* r*
Coffee . Too* 618 359 512 36,815
Tea Pkg*. 85 302 189 694
Fruit*, Fresh and Dry Cwt*. 146 143 188 296
Date* ... Ton* 122 30 4 45
Ghee . Caac* 273 2 7
Kerosine Oil Gall*. 56,649 71.040 113,028 6.063
O.l* of all kinds . 3.033 2,447 2,172 2.313
Confectionery Pkg*. 3 7
Onions and Potatoes Cwt*.
Provisions m 143 463
Vegetables 280 241
Spices . Pkg*. 2,108 4.698
Saffron Lb*. 700 582
Jogres Pkg*. 15 27
fcugar Candy Cwt*. 116 153 190
Sugar, Soft W 114*28 3,146 2.108
Sugar, Loaf 100 791 740
; Vermicelli Lb*. 1.175 1,775 1450