Page 131 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 131
Tabic showing the total number and tonnage of vessels of each Nation that entered and
cleared the Port of Kuwait during 1911-13.
Sailing. Sri am. Total.
Nationality. Tear.
No. of Ton*. No. of No. of Too*.
Vestel*. Vessel*. Ton*. Vessel*.
1909- 10 70 101,394 70 101.394
British 1910- 11 1 125 55 91,0:19 50 04,101
1911- 13 03 130,309 63 130,309
Gertnanj 1911-12 1 4.000 1 4,000
•{ 1911- 12
Preach 1910- 11 1 15 1 15
1910- 11 010 5,416 510 5,415
1911- 12 523 5.400 528 5.400
1910- 11 10 613 40 013
Persian •( 1911- 12 45 555 45 555
r I 1910-11 : 3.354 59.935 3,354 69,935
Arab • ;
1911-12 3,203 54,085 I 3,203 5*1,085
1 1909-10. 70 , 101,391 70 101,394
Total I 1910-11 , 3,930 06,103 53 91.039 3,991 100,142
1911-12, 3,770 C0.C10 CO j 12l,3G9 3,815 185,009
• Note—Abo-t 5'X) pearling boats not iccl-dt-4.
s. 0. V. L-3s» F. D.—J7-6-1912.—35.