Page 183 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 183

                                   PORT OF KUWAIT.
        Return of Shipping of nil Nationalities which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
                                   during the year
                           ENTERS D.                          CLEARED.
                                                      With Cab-
                  With Cab-  Ia Ballast.  Total.              IS B At Li FT.  Total.
         Nationality of   00X8.             Nationality of  ookb.
           Vcwela.                            Ttsslt.
                  No.      No.     No.                No.     No.      No.
                   of  Tonnage.  of  Tonnage.  of  Tonnage.  of  Tonnage.  °* Tonnage,
                  ves-     T0.V-   t ca­              ves*    ,°l ToMSS'- vo-
                  tola.    mIs.    eds.              ads.     sels.    aek-
                                        (a) St tarn result.
        Briuth .   C3  119,382      G3  119.382  British  30  02,321  1  2.773  37  65.097
        Japanese            1 2,100  1  2^00

                                        (l) Sailing res self.
        British .  3    210          3   210 British   3   210           3   210
        French .   10   £00         10   500 French            10   S00  10  800
        Turkish .  C30  6.300 ...   :030  6.300  Turkish  j200  2,000 130  -1,300 G30  6,300
        Persian .  15   193 i _     15   193  Persian  10   130         10    130
        Arab       10   230         10   230 Arab .
                                    PORT OF KUWAIT.
        Return of British Shipping which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port during
                                      the year 1913-14.
                           ENTERED.                           CLEARED.
                   With cab-               i          With Cab-
          Count riea   COBB.  I a Ballast.  Total.             Ia Ballast.  Total.
           whence                          1 Countries to   GOXg.
           entered.                         which cleared.
                  No.     No.      No.               No. !    No.       No.
                                                                        of :
                     Tonniep-  Tonnage,   TCA _ Tonnage.  ves­  Tonnage. Tonnage.  res­  Tonnage.
                  tela.    ads- •  eda.              sels.    Bek.
                                         (a) Steam vessels.
        India .   Cl 114,229        61  111,229  India .  36  62,324    36  62^24
        London •   2   5,153         2  5,153  England          1  2JT73  1  2,773

                                         li) Sailing vessels.
        India      3    210         3    210 India .   3   210           3   210
                                   S. 0. P. L—175 F. A P. D«—i-S-H—ifi.

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