Page 249 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 249


                                    PORT OF KUWAIT.

        Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the
                                 Port during the year 1915-16.
                                     (a)—Steam Vestel*.

                            ENTERED.                             CLEARED.
         NATIONALITY  With cargcea.  In ballast.  TotaL  NATIONALITY  With cargoes.  In Valhut.  Total.
             O F                                 OF
           VESSELS.      d                     VESSELS.
                     i   «  o*r i   n    & cs           ~oi  is 1    £        &
                         c               a             &             1        a
                        £       £        S                           o       H
        British     44  75,547       44  75,547  British  44  7SJ547     41  75,547

                                     (b)—Sailing Vessels.

                            ENTERED.                             CLEARED.
                    With cargoes.  la Ullast  Total.    With cargoes.  In ballast.
         NATIONALITY                         NATIONALITY                   TotaL
             OF                                  OF
           VESSELS.  c 4 £  ■s-g'J  &  W       VESSELS.      I isi   &
                   m    5 1  M  1  M     £ c           «    H   ,'5>  5 I  c-= i
                                                             3  a
        British      5   550         5   550  British            5   550  5   550
        French      10   800         10  8C0  F reach            10  600  10  800

        Tarhiib     700  7,000      700  7,000  Turkish  300  3.DCO KjO  4,000 700  7,000

         Feniui     15   ieo         16   180  Persian  15   180         IS   ISO

         Arab .      3    7S         I    76  Arab .             i    75  5    75
   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254