Page 269 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 269
C.—Imports of principal articles by Buggalows; during the years 1914-15 W6-*?*
Qcasrmsi. Vslce.
Articles and countries from which
imported. 191617.
: 1911-13. 1913-16. 1916-17. 1911-15. ID 15-16.
: * £ £ £
Jhmhoo«, male— ! 59,000 59,000 1,167 1,000
li.dia >*o.
Bamboos, split— 1 800
ludls handles 6,00)
Persian Coast eats. uvxo; 37,500 10,133 10,500. I.-.jOD
Turkey 17,500
Chand'ls— 50,000 C0.000 8,009 6,667 10.000
. Zanzibar . pieces C\OjO
Coal— 300
ludin cwts. Iv5 !
Charcoal— 1,167 667 1,030
India 5.550 , 2,000 2,025
Cocoannts - . 5 12 3
India No. 1.0.0 : 2.009 500
Code i 300 260 400
India cwts. 75 75 ! 125
Coir yarn— 650 800
India 1,400 981 ; 823 520
India 220 34 5C8 567
Dates. fresh— I 1,600
Turkish Arabia 1.509 i 6,030 4,309 1,400 1,867
Dates juice— I
Turkish Arabia 430 . 300 250 ISO 1 140 133
Dates, wet—
Tuikish Arabia 22.670 • 22,750 33,230 6,000 5,500 7.4S3
Date wood—
Turkish Arabia 570 1,333 ?,oco
Fruit*, fresh—
Turkish Arabia 1.447 1,405 1,288
Fish oil— e/s r's
India galls. ' 48,070 j 10,0«.0 8,000 3,000 3.333 I 5,333
Turkish Arabia ewts. 70 | 187
Kerosine oil—
Persian Coast galls. 24.050 73,000 32,000 • 1.900 3,067 1,331
Limes, dried—
Masqat cWt. 31 47 3S 75 111 ! a