Page 281 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 281
Tho number of steamers'and sailing vessels which entered and cleared this
port in the year aro given in the attached returns.
Transport.—Merchandise is transported to the interior solely by camel
caravans and the following were the rates during the year for the most impor
tant places
For Zilfi, Boraidali, Anaizah, and Qnsitn £1-6*8 to £2 per maund of 27
Wetrhias—121J lbs.
For Sbagra, Oz.dair, and Mamel £1 to £1-13-1 per maund of 27
‘W'cghias—121J lbs.
Exchange.—be average rates of exchange for the 12 months were as
follows :—
Ter? 100. Por £. Por T. £.
April 1C IT 4 18 2 1 1 2
May 17 S 0 1 2 11 1 1 6
June 16 0 0 1 2 10 1 1 6
Jnly 16 5 ! 18^ 1 1 8
August ^ 16 13 4 13 6 12 1
September 17 6 8 13 5 1 2 1
October 17 13 4 1 3 1 1 1 5
November • 17 2 8 13 0 1 1 10
December • 17 1 4 13 2 12 2
January 16 16 0 1 3 6 12 6
February . 16 17 4 14 6 1 3 2
March p P • ^ 19 6 8 16 6 13 9
General.—The conversion of the trade figures in this report is made at
the rate of Rs. 15 per pound throughout.
Inquiries regarding Trade.—The Political Agent will be very glad to answer
any inquirus regarding trade from merchant* in the United Kingdom through
tho Deportment of Overseas Trade, Development and Intelligence. Iuouiries
from India should be made through the Director-General of Commercial lntclli-
Sre,a;.CtuUa-. ,Tirae P^ably be saved by addressing the latter
omcial direct, as information on most ordinary subjects is available in his
records. ■