Page 288 - 3 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 1_Neat
P. 288

                        B.—Exports 0/ Principal Articles (Jjr native crafts) during the gears 1916-17 to 1918-19.

                                                    QuAXrmia.               Yalui.
                                               1915-17.  1017-ia  1018-10.  1916-17.   1917-18.  1918-19.

                                                                      £       £      £
                       Ding*             Vila*
                       Dying *nd colour*   m
                       Fisb o3 •   •     GaHa    14,000  30,128  39,256  1,333  6,0*21  6.543
                       Full und full dry   Cwt                  1,707                2,780
                       Fruit* •          Yalae
                       Gannj bag*   •                                 •••              S3
                       Gboe               Cwt      625   1,199  1.32S  4/S4   9,595  12,394
                       GI&u and glauware .   Value                                    225
                       Goat* hair •       Cwt                    Go                   187
                       nidoa and skin*   Yalae                                         30
                      xon and Ironware                                                213
                       Korcslce oil      GalU.   1,200    132   9,036    SO     20    966
                       Hat*              Value                                        2,599
                       Alatcbee            *•                                 1,373  2,376
                       Kaile              Cat.                   126                   454
                       Onion*                                    6?2                  406
                       03, sisuim         Ga'.lt.               7,441                 2,174
                       Picco-goode        Value                               2,893   2.847
                       Provision*         Cwt                                  462     807
                       Bice .              n     4,300  71.423  42,280  3,COO  GO,735  45,099
                       Sail dJotb  .                             25                    816
                       Silk and silk good*   Value                                     £76
                       Sped*   •                                                      3,000
                       Sugar   •  •       Cwt    1,200  2,383   4,c05  1^00   3.176   7,510
                       Spice*   .  •      Yalae                               1,762   4,682
                       Tallow   •  •      Cwt                    75                    202
                       Tamarind   •  •            375   12,399  12.045  150   7.164   9,636
                       Tea •   •  •              1,730   2,653  2,ei5  lOuOO  17,687  15.621
                       Tobacco.   •  •                   1,473  1,063         2,619  12,766
                       Wet dates                 3,000   6.649  10,161  067   1,632   4^35
                       Wheat                      3,250  42,211  11,516  1/J00  31,892  12,254
                       Wheat floor         m                     141                   157
                       Wearing apparel    Yalae                                        134
                       Wood for boat*      •*                          U-33   3,917  14,124
                        „ mango          Pbaks           6,698          353   3,573
                       Wool               Cwt.            69     557   1,333    93    1,947
                       Article* not apecified above • Valee             120    986    7J030
                                      Total £                         31,(38  187,646  259,439
   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290   291   292   293